NT Service Support  Locate

The BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server can be run as a service on Windows 2000/XP. Support for NT service installation is installed by default on Windows servers, and cannot be installed on UNIX machines. The support is a set of executable files that let you install, start, stop, and uninstall BEA AquaLogic Service Registry as an NT service.

The server log is by default written into the log file. The output to the NT log can be manually configured.

Installation  Locate

When the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation is complete, the REGISTRY_HOME\bin directory contains these four batch files related to NT service support:

  • InstallService.bat

  • UnInstallService.bat

  • StartService.bat

  • StopService.bat


After installing BEA AquaLogic Service Registry with NT Service support, the WASP server is NOT installed as an NT service. It must be installed manually, as described in the following steps.

If you want to customize the NT service first (set-up the JVM max memory, add files to classpath, etc.), please read the Customizing section now.

Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to your JDK and run the InstallService.bat command.

When the installation is finished, the name of the installed NT service is printed to the screen. The default name is BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.


You may need extra permissions to install a new service into your OS. To determine whether you have these permissions, please consult your system administrator.

If the installation fails, read the Customizing section. If it does not contain the solution, contact Systinet support.

Starting and Stopping  Locate

Once the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server NT service is installed, start it as you would any NT service, by selecting Control Panel> Administrative Tools > Services > start.

As a shortcut, you can use the StartService.bat command in the REGISTRY_HOME\bin directory.


You may need extra permissions to start or stop an NT service in your OS. To determine whether you have these permissions, please consult your system administrator.

To stop the server, use either the system tools or the StopService.bat command.


For security reasons, you cannot use serverstop.bat or server.bat stop to stop a BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server that is running as an NT service.

Logging  Locate

By default, the logs of the server are written into the REGISTRY_HOME\log\wasp_NTService.log file. The default maximum size of the log file is 1MB. When the file is full, a backup is created and the content of the file is cleaned. By default, 3 backups are kept and older backups are deleted.

Logging Customization  Locate

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry uses the Log4J library for logging. You can manually change its logging behavior. The configuration is stored in the file REGISTRY_HOME\conf\log4j_NTservice.config. You can change the log output, message priority and other settings in this file as follows:

Message Priority Settings  Locate

To change the message priority from INFO to ERROR, change the settings of the active category in the config file from log4j.rootCategory=INFO,R to log4j.rootCategory=ERROR,R

Log File Properties  Locate

To change the log file properties, change the Rolling File appender settings:

Switching to NT Log  Locate

To switch logging from file to NT log, comment out the line log4j.rootCategory=INFO,R and uncomment the line #log4j.rootCategory=ERROR,ntlog from this section:

# Assigning appenders to categories
# (using rolling file appender by default)
# Uncomment next line if you want to use NT Event Log
# to log error messages.

so that the section reads:

# Assigning appenders to categories
# (using rolling file appender by default)
# Uncomment next line if you want to use NT Event Log
# to log error messages.

We recommend that you log only errors into the NT log.

Using other Log4J Appenders  Locate

Rolling File and NTLog are the two default appenders. You can choose any Log4J appender that suits your needs. To add custom classes to the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry NT service classpath, please see the Customizing section.

You must restart the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry NT service to put the changes into effect.

For more information about Log4J and its settings, please visit Apache/Jakarta's Log4j Project website.

Customizing  Locate

You can manually set up the name "BEA AquaLogic Service Registry NT Service" and the JVM parameters that are used to start BEA AquaLogic Service Registry as an NT service. To customize logging, please visit the previous section, Logging.

All customizable files in the following instructions are located in the REGISTRY_HOME\bin directory.


All the following changes require reinstallation of the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry NT Service. Uninstall it first, make your modifications and reinstall the service.

NT Service Name Change  Locate

The default name of the NT service is Systinet Registry. To change the service name:

  1. Uninstall the existing service by running UnInstallService.bat.

  2. Manually edit the files

    • UnInstallService.bat

    • InstallService.bat

    • StartService.bat

    • StopService.bat

  3. Change the system variable NT_SERVICE_NAME, so the row with the variable resembles:

    set NT_SERVICE_NAME=BEA AquaLogic Service Registry

  4. Install your NT service with its new name by running InstallService.bat.

  5. Start the new service by running StartService.bat.

JVM Startup Parameters  Locate

The parameters of the Java Virtual Machine are set up during the installation of the NT service. If you modify the parameters, you must reinstall the NT service to put the changes into effect. To modify the parameters of the NT service, open InstallService.bat in a text editor and do the following:

  • To change the maximum size of available memory, change the value of the JVM_MEM variable, with a command like set JVM_MEM=-Xmx256m.

  • To add custom files to the classpath, edit the RegistryService.exe parameters. These are in the line "-Djava.class.path=%REGISTRY_HOME%\lib\wasp.jar".

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry Ported to Application Server  Locate

Systinet does not support installation of ported BEA AquaLogic Service Registry servers as an NT Service. For more information, please see the documentation of your application server provider. However, any Java application can be installed as an NT Service with Systinet's NT service solution. Please contact http://www.systinet.com/support if you need to run a ported BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server as an NT service.

Uninstallation  Locate

To uninstall the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server NT service, run UnInstallService.bat from the REGISTRY_HOME\bin directory. The uninstaller first tries to stop the NT service. It then removes the NT service from your OS.