Installation Guide

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Running the Installation Program in Console Mode

The following sections describe how to run the installation program in console mode:


Running Console-Mode Installation

Start the installation program in console mode as described in Starting the Installation Program.

To complete the console-mode installation process, respond to the prompts in each section by entering the number associated with your choice or by pressing Enter to accept the default. To exit the installation process, enter exit (or x, for short) in response to any prompt. To review or change your selection, enter previous (or p, for short) at the prompt. To proceed to the following window, enter next (or n, for short).

Note: In the sample console text and directory pathnames provided in this section, Windows conventions (such as backslashes in pathnames) are used, for example, C:\bea\weblogic91. When entering pathnames on a UNIX system, be sure to use UNIX conventions, instead. For example, use forward slashes in pathnames, such as /home/bea/weblogic91.

The following procedure steps you through the installation program. Use this procedure after you have started the installation program in console mode, as described in Starting the Installation Program.

  1. At the Welcome prompt, type next (or n for short) or press Enter to continue with the installation process.
  2. The BEA Systems License Agreement prompt is displayed.

  3. Read the Agreement and indicate your acceptance or rejection of its terms by doing one of the following at the prompt:
    • Type 1 to indicate your agreement with the terms of the license and proceed with the installation. To review the entire agreement, press Enter or type Down several times. Type Up to scroll back through sections previously displayed.
    • Type 2 if you do not agree with the terms of the license. If you type 2, the installation process terminates.
    • The Choose BEA Home directory prompt is displayed.

  4. Specify the installation directory for the AquaLogic Service Registry instance installed on the target system.
  5. Choose which shortcuts are created as part of the installation, as shown in the following text:
  6. Note: The installer creates shortcuts to BEA components, samples, and tools. As a user with administrative privileges, you can specify where these shortcuts are created.
    • 1 All Users' Start Menu folder (recommended)
    • If a user without administrative privileges uses the BEA Configuration Wizard in this installation to create domains, the user may have to create Start Menu shortcuts manually. Refer to the BEA Configuration Wizard documentation for more information.

    • 2. Local Users' Start Menu folder
    • Select this option if you need to ensure that other profiles registered on this machine do not have access to these shortcuts.

      Enter index number to select or [Exit][Previous][Next].

  7. Select the BEA Home directory where the target WebLogic Server instance is deployed as shown below.
    • Type 1 to enter a new BEA Home
    • Type 2 to select default BEA Home as indicated
    • Choose BEA Home Directory With Weblogic Server:
      Specify the BEA Home where Weblogic server is installed.
      1¦* Create a new BEA Home

      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]

  8. Specify the type of installation you want to perform by entering the number associated with the install type as shown in the following text:
  9. Installation type:
    Choose installation type.
    1 Standalone
    Installs a standalone registry allowing the creation of a new
    registry database.
    2 Discovery Registry
    Installs a Discovery Registry. The Discovery Registry contains
    approved data that has been posted from the Publication Registry. The
    Discovery Registry is under full control of approvers.
    3 Standalone registry with data migration
    Installs a standalone registry and performs the migration of the
    data from a previous version of registry.
    4 Publication Registry
    Installs a Publication Registry. The Publication Registry is used for 
    testing and verification of data.
    5 Intermediate Registry
    Installs this instance as an intermediate registry, which acts as both a
    Publication Registry and a Discovery Registry. That is, it is deployed
    between other registries to support a multi-step approval process. Note
    that the final Discovery Registry must be installed prior to installing
    the Intermediate registry, since the Discovery Registry's certificate is
    needed to complete the installation process.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  10. Enter SMTP Configuration Properties as shown in the following display:
  11. SMTP Configuration:
    Enter your SMTP mail server configuration properties.
    1 Operator Name [BEA] (default)
    The name of the Registry operator
    2 SMTP Hostname [[ SMTP server hostname ]] (default)
    Hostname of the SMTP server used to send notification and registration 
    3 SMTP Port [25] (default)
    TCP/IP port to connect to the SMTP server
    4 Account Name [] (default)
    Name of the SMTP account to use when sending e-mails
    5 SMTP password [] (default)
    Password for the SMTP account
    6 Confirm Password [] (default)
    Retype the password to confirm that it is correct
    7 Sender e-mail address [[ none ]] (default)
    E-mail address that will appear in the From: field of e-mail messages
    8 Sender name [] (default)
    Descriptive name of the e-mail message sender
    9 Continue
    Go on to next configuration dialog.
    ** The settings below tell Registry how to communicate using e-mail.
    ** Some Registry features depend on valid values for the required
    ** settings in order to function properly.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    The SMTP configuration is important when users needs to receive E-mail notification from subscriptions and from the approval process.

SMTP Host Name

Host name of the SMTP server associated with this installation of BEA AquaLogic Service Registry


Port number for this SMTP server

SMTP Password

Confirm password

Retype the same password. Note that if it is not same as the password in the previous box, you cannot continue.

SMTP Default Sender E-mail, Name

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry will generate mail messages with this identity.
  1. Set up an Administrator account settings as shown in the following display:
  2. Administrator Account:
    Administrator account settings
    1 Account name [admin] (default)
    The login name for the Administrator
    2 Password [********] (default)
    Password for the administrator account
    3 Confirm password [********] (default)
    Enter the password again for confirmation
    4 Admin e-mail [[ admin e-mail ]] (default)
    E-mail address
    5 Continue
    Go on to next configuration dialog.
    ** Specify name, password and contact e-mail address for the Registry
    ** administrator
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  3. Enter database settings as shown in the following display:
  4. Database Configuration:
    Select how the database should be set up

    The AquaLogic Service Registry requires a database. During installation you can create a new database, create a schema in an existing empty database or connect to an existing database with schema already created. If you do not create a database you can do it later using the Setup tool.

    1 Create database
        ¦  Create new database and schema
    2 Create schema
        ¦  Create new schema in existing database
    3 Configure database
        ¦  Configure registry database
    4 No database
        ¦  Do not create and configure database 	
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 	

    For complete information about database settings, see Database Settings.

  5. Configure the database as follows:
    1. Select a database from the list of supported database engines that can be prepared for BEA AquaLogic Service Registry as shown:
    2. Database Selection:
      Select one of the following databases supported by the AquaLogic 
      Service Registry.
      Select the type of database that the AquaLogic Service Registry will 

      On the following screens you will be prompted for details of the particular database configuration. When populating the database you may also choose the name of the AquaLogic Service Registry instance.

      1 Preconfigured HSQL
      2 HSQL
      3 Oracle 9i and later
      4 MSSQL 2000 and later
      5 DB2 8.0 and later
      6 PostgreSQL 7.3 and later
      7 Sybase ASE 12.5 and later
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
    3. Select Install demo data if you want to evaluate the provided demos after installation.
    4. Database Selection:
      1 Yes, install demo data.
      2 No, do not install demo data.
      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
    5. Specify the name of the AquaLogic Service Registry installation.
    6. Database Selection:
      1 Registry Name [A UDDI Node] (default)
      Name of the Registry Node being installed. If you are unsure what this 
      means, use the default.
      2 Continue
      Go on to next configuration dialog.

      ** Select the type of database that the AquaLogic Service Registry will use. On the following screens you will be prompted for details of the particular database configuration. When populating the database you may also choose the name of the AquaLogic Service Registry instance.**

      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      You can specify the name of BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation. The name is saved to the operational business entity. The registry name appears in the upper right corner of Registry Console and Business Service Console.

      Select Install demo data if you want to evaluate the provided BEA AquaLogic Service Registry demos after installation.

      The default database to create is the Preconfigured HSQL (HSQL). This database is recommended for evaluation purposes.

      Note that it is possible to change the database after installation, using the Setup tool.

      For more information on database installation, see Database Settings

  6. Select an authentication provider.
  7. Authentication Provider:
    Select user account storage.
    1 Database
    All accounts will be stored in the registry database.
    2 LDAP
    Registry accounts integrated with LDAP server.
    3 External

    Registry accounts integrated with other external storage. The interface org.systinet.uddi.account.ExternalBackendApi must be implemented and added to the registry installation.)

    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  8. Enter deployment settings for target WebLogic server where AquaLogic Service Registry will be deployed.
  9. Deployment Settings:
    Provide details of how AquaLogic Service Registry will be deployed Be sure
    that Weblogic server is listening on the specified ports.
    1 HTTP port [7001] (default)
    2 SSL (HTTPS) port [7002] (default)
    3 Hostname [hostname of current machine] (default)
    4 Application Server Context [registry] (default)
    5 Continue
    Go on to next configuration dialog.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  10. Specify whether you want to automatically deploy to the WebLogic server at the end of installation.
  11. Deployment Settings:
    Deploy to the Weblogic server at the end of the installation?
    1 Deploy.
    2 Do not deploy.
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  12. Confirmation and Start Install process—You will see a confirmation display as shown below. Type Next to continue with the installation process. If you want to change any of your selections type Previous.
  13. Installation summary Start installation
    Type 'Previous' to review and change the selections.
    Type 'Next' to proceed with installation.

    The installation is about to start. You may type Previous and review the selections that you have made. After you type Next the Installation Wizard will start copying files and configuring the product.

    If deployment was allowed as a part of the installation, make sure the target BEA Aqualogic Application Server is running and accepting deployment requests.

    Enter [Exit][Previous][Next]>
  14. When the installation is complete, press Enter or Exit to exit the installation program.

Complete the Deployment of AquaLogic Service Registry to WebLogic Server

Note that WebLogic 8.1, 9.0, and 9.1 are supported.

When you finish running the installer successfully, complete the following steps to complete the deployment of AquaLogic Service Registry to WebLogic Server.

  1. For WebLogic 8.1:
    1. Open the BEA WebLogic Server launch script:
    2. WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/ or


    3. Add the following property to the Java command line for starting the WebLogic server:

  2. For WebLogic 9.0 and 9.1:
    1. Open the setup script for the server's domain environment:
    2. WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/bin/ or


    3. Add the following line:
    4. set JAVA_OPTIONS=

  3. For WebLogic 8.1, 9.0, and 9.1:
  4. If you have not already done so, enable SSL in WebLogic. Restart WebLogic Server so that the previous changes in to the startup script in Step 1 take effect.

  5. (Optional) This step only required if you wish to use the sample client code.
  6. Note: AquaLogic Service Registry ships with sample client code that requires the WebLogic Server SSL certificate for the WebLogic Server instance on which AquaLogic Service Registry is deployed.

    Note that any other client code you use must also be configured for SSL connections to AquaLogic Service Registry using the appropriate tools for that type of client.

    Import the WebLogic Server SSL certificate to the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry configuration file.

    You can obtain the WebLogic SSL certificate via a browser by accessing a WebLogic-hosted page using HTTPS, and exporting the certificate to a Base-64 .cer file.

    To import this certificate into AquaLogic Service Registry, use the PStoreTool located in [registry_home]/bin add -config [registry_home]/conf/clientconf.xml -certFile [weblogic.cer]

This completes the deployment. The BEA AquaLogic Service Registry URL is:



What's Next?

For information about the installed product and troubleshooting tips, go to Installation Summary.

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