Customizing Individual Pages  Locate

Administrators can customize individual pages of the Business Service Console wherever a Customize button appears. Pages sometimes have more than one composite area, in which case each can have its own Customize button.


The Customize buttons on individual pages take precedence over the Customizable Taxonomies settings discussed above. This allows registry administrators to further customize individual pages to best meet their needs.

For example, Figure 44 shows a page with two composite areas:

The user (an administrator) has clicked the Customize button in the Business Properties area.

Figure 44. Customizing a Page

Customizing a Page

The result is that the Business Properties are displayed in the customization editor, whereas the Technical Properties are displayed as usual in this page.

The customization editor displays:

Under Visual Components each pair of adjacent components has a number of buttons between them. In this case there is only one set of buttons per line because there are only two components per line. The tool-tip for each button shows what it does. You can:

Some of the details under Component Properties depend on the type of component. If you click Show expert visual properties it is possible to change the number of rows or columns occupied by a component - its Height and Width. The last component on the line has Remainder of the row checked. If you check Cells instead then the row is joined with the following row to make one line. For example, in Figure 45 the first two lines have been joined into one line of 4 components.

Figure 45. Expert visual properties

Expert visual properties

It is possible to perform the following actions by clicking the buttons provided: