Installation Guide

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Server Configuration

The server configuration may be set during installation or by using the Setup tool after installation. Both of these scenarios use the same set of GUI panels for server configuration shown in this section.

To run the Setup tool, execute the following script from the bin subdirectory of your installation:

Windows: setup.bat
UNIX: ./

See Setup in Command Line Scripts.

Select Configuration on the first panel.

Figure 8-1 Setup


For more information on the Setup tool, see Reconfiguration After Installation.


Server Configuration

Figure 8-2 Server Configuration

Server Configuration

The preceding figure shows server configuration settings. These settings are used for the HTTP and HTTPS servers.


The non-secure port for accessing the Registry Console (default value: 8080)


Secure port for accessing the Registry Console (default value: 8443)

Host name

Host name of the computer on which BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is installed; change the auto-completed entry if it is different.

Application Server Context

This is the WebLogic application context into which the registry application is deployed.

After setting these properties, the server will be available at:

http://[host name]:[HTTP Port]/[Context of URL] 

For example, in Figure 8-2, the server is available at and at Note that the communication can be spied by SoapSpy tool. See How to Debug in the Developer’s Guide in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.


SMTP Configuration

Figure 8-3 SMTP Configuration

The preceding figure allows you to configure SMTP. The SMTP configuration is important when users needs to receive email notification from subscriptions and from the approval process.

SMTP Host Name

Host name of the SMTP server, through which all e-mail alerts and notification are sent to administrator and users.


Port number for this SMTP server

SMTP Password

Password to access SMTP server

Confirm password

Retype the same password. Note that if it is not same as the password in the previous box, you cannot continue.

SMTP Default Sender E-mail, Name

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry will generate email messages with this identity.

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