Installation Guide

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Installation Summary

This section contains information about your installation. It includes the following topics:


Directory Structure

The installation directory structure contains the following directories:


Contains BEA AquaLogic Service Registry deployed as Web services in Systinet Server for Java.


Contains command-line scripts for running BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. See Command Line Scripts.


Contains the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry configuration files


Contains demos of BEA AquaLogic Service Registry functionality. For more information, see “Demos” in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.


Contains BEA AquaLogic Service Registry client packages.


Contains the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry documentation.


Contains additional data and scripts.


Contains the pre configured HSQL database with registry data.


Contains the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry libraries


Contains logs of installation, setup, and server output. See Logs.


This directory is available after the first launch of the server; it is a working image of the app directory.


Registry Endpoints

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is configured as follows. The <host name>, <http port> and <ssl port> are specified during installation. For more information, see Deployment Settings. For each endpoint you can use either http or ssl port.

Note: The following endpoint information references topics in the Developer’s Guide, which is available as part of the Using the AquaLogic Service Registry document at the following URL:


Pre-installed Data

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry contains the following data:


Command Line Scripts

The bin subdirectory contains scripts, including those for launching the server, installing Windows services, and changing configuration.


Windows: setup.bat
UNIX: ./ Setup may be launched with the following optional arguments: (.bat) [[--help] | [-h] | [--gui] | [-g] | [-u file ] | [--use-config file ]] [[-s file ] | [--save-config file ]] [--debug] -h | --help shows help message -g | --gui starts the setup wizard. The wizard is the default mode. -u | --use-config file starts setup in non-interactive mode; it reads all properties from the specified file. -s | --save-config file starts the setup wizard. All configuration will be saved into specified file instead of execute configuration. The file may be used later in a non-interactive installation. --debug the setup produces more information to localize problems or errors. To change the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry configuration after installation follow Reconfiguration After Installation.


Windows: signer.bat
UNIX: ./ The Signer is a graphical application that can be used to add, remove, and verify the signatures of UDDI structures you have published. Follow Signer Tool in the User’s Guide in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.


Windows: SoapSpy.bat
UNIX: ./ Debugging tool to control low level soap communication. Follow How to Debug in the Developer’s Guide in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.


Windows: PStoreTool.bat
UNIX: ./ Protected security storage manipulation tool. See PStore Tool in the Administrator’s Guide in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.


Windows: env.bat
UNIX: ./ Helper script to set system variables. We recommend not to use it directly.


Reconfiguration After Installation

The Setup tool also facilitates other functions such as the data migration from previous installation (described in Migration).

The Setup tool contains similar panels to those in the installation tool. To run this tool, execute the following script from the bin subdirectory of your installation:

Windows: setup.bat
UNIX: ./

See command-line parameters for Setup in Command Line Scripts.

By default, setup starts in wizard mode as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7-1 Wizard Mode Setup

Wizard Mode Setup

The following topics may be configured:


Change server and registry configuration.


Create, drop, or connect to a database.


Port registry to an application server.


Migrate registry data from other registry.

Backup and Restore

Backup and restore BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Authentication account provider

Change account back-end configuration.


Server Properties

System properties are the main means of configuring AquaLogic Service Registry as deployed into Systinet Server for Java. Default values for these properties are in the resource META-INF/, which is located in lib/runner.jar.

To alter system properties for AquaLogic Service Registry deployed into WebLogic Server as a Servlet: Default property values can be overridden in the init-param elements in the web application deployment descriptor, web.xml.

The following properties are checked when BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is initialized.

Table 7-1 Properties Checked When BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is Initialized
This property is mandatory for running a BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server. It must point to the directory in which BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is installed.
This is an absolute or wasp.location-relative path pointing to the registry configuration file. Setting this property is optional; the default value is conf/clientconf.xml.
Comma-separated list of additional config paths to include. These paths can be either absolute or relative to the working directory. This property is optional.
Sets a classpath for the registry implementation. This property is optional; if it is not set, registry interfaces and implementation are loaded in the same classloader.
Set to true if BEA AquaLogic Service Registry should be automatically destroyed just before JVM is destroyed. Set to false if you want to manage the shutdown process yourself. The default setting is true.
Determines the number of debugging messages produced by BEA AquaLogic Service Registry:
0: none
1: errors
2: warnings
3: infos
4: debugs
This property is optional; the default value is 2 for the client and 3 for the server. The debug level is available in the non-stripped distribution only.
The logging level specified by the idoox.debug.level property overrides the level specified in the configuration file determined by the log4j.configuration property
Specifies which logging system is used, waspLogger or log4j. Default is log4j. Setting the value of this property to waspLogger uses this logger, instead.
Specifies the location of the configuration (properties file) for log4j. This property can contain a relative (conf/log4j.config) or absolute (/home/waspuser/log4j.config) path to the configuration file.
If it is not set, the default configuration (ConsoleAppender with the pattern %p: %c{2} - %m\n) will be used.
An example configuration file for log4j, log4j.config, is located in the conf subdirectory of the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation directory.



There are four log files in REGISTRY_HOME/log directory.

The following log files are produced by the Installation and Setup processes:

The default server logs are:

The server logs may be configured by one of two logging systems, the in-house waspLogger and log4j. By default, log4j is used. The default log4j configuration file is located in REGISTRY_HOME/conf/log4j.config.

Note: An explanation of using log4j is outside the scope of this documentation; please see the Apache log4j documentation for more information:


Troubleshooting Your Installation

If errors occur during the installation process, the installer displays a message and a Recovery button.

Execution of Task fails. You can click Recovery and correct erroneous selections or click Exit to exit the installation.

If you click Recovery, the installation returns to the step that should be corrected. For example, if the installation fails during copying files, it will return to the installation type panel. If the process fails during configuring database it will return to the database panels.

If errors occur when using the Setup tool, only the error message is displayed, you can continue by clicking Next.

The following general problems may occur:

Installation backend timeout

If the task does not respond for a long time, a timeout error is thrown and the task is stopped. The default timeout is 30 minutes. If you have a slow machine, try to redefine the timeout system property for a greater value in minutes at a java command line.
For 60 minutes, run installation by following command: java -Dtimeout=60 -jar BEA-aqualogic-service-registry-300.jar
Note: For 60 minutes, edit the (setup.bat) file; add the -Dtimeout=60 option into the java command line so it looks like:
Note: Windows: "%JAVA_CMD%" -Dtimeout=60
Note: UNIX: "$JAVA_CMD" -Dtimeout=60

Cannot find JDBC driver, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

Some external classes cannot be found. Usually the path to JDBC driver does not contain the needed *.jar or *.zip files. Another reason this error may be thrown is that the JDBC driver is not supported by BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. For more information about supported databases, see Database Installation in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.

Cannot access database, java.sql.SQLException

This usually happens during the creation of database which already exists. To resolve this error, try to connect or drop this database first. This error is also thrown when trying to drop a database which is currently in use, or does not exist. Note that some set properties must exist on the database engine and some of them are optional. For more information about supported databases, see Database Installation in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.

Couldn't create or access important files. Wrong path

This error is displayed when the installation directory specified is bad or the user does not have read and write permissions for it. Try to install to another directory or reset the read and write permissions.

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