Administration Guide

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Administrators may login to the Reports client to access Audit Reports and Performance Metric Reports. Audit Reports can be used to view information about the usage of the system. Performance Metric Reports can be used to view information about the performance of the system. The reports client can be found at http://host:port/ria/reports.

To run an Audit or a Performance Metric Report:
  1. From the Campus drop-down list, select the campus for which you would like to run a report.
  2. Select the type of report you would like to run in the Report Type drop-down list.
  3. Complete the information in the Report Parameters section.
  4. Click the Execute button to run the report.

The Report Results page will appear.


Audit Reports

Audit Reports can be used to view information about the usage of the system. Administrators may generate reports from the Reports page. The following reports can be generated.

User Login Access

The User Login Access Report details user access to the campus during a specified duration of time. The report renders the following information: user name, login date/time, logout date/time, and duration of time logged in. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and user name.

Unique User Login Access

The Unique User Login Access Report details the unique users that were logged in and the duration of their login session for a specified start and end time. The report renders the following information: user name, first login time, last logout time, and duration logged in. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and user name.

User Campus Access

The User Campus Access Report details the users that entered a campus, building, floor, room, and room session for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: campus name, building name, floor name, room name, room session ID, room session entered date/time, room session exited date/time, and duration in room session. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, user name, room name, and room session ID.

Room Chat

The Room Chat Report details all chat for a room name for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: user name, chat message, and chat message date. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and room name.

User Page

The User Page Report details all pages from or to a list of users for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: user name, received user name, page, and page sent date. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and list of users (from only, to only, both).

User Document

The User Document Report details the documents for a given user for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: document name, document action name (create, edit, delete, export, view, copy, modified permissions), and document action date. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, user name, and document action name.

Document History

The Document History Report details the history for a given document for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: user name, document action name (create, edit, delete, export, view, copy, modified permissions), and document action date. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, user name, and document action name.


Performance Metric Reports

Performance Metric Reports can be used to view information about the performance of the system. Administrators may generate reports from the Reports page. The following reports can be generated.

Campus Statistics

The Campus Statistics Report details the number of users, groups, buildings, floors, and rooms for a given campus. The report renders the following information: number of users, groups, buildings, floors, and rooms. The report can be filtered by campus name.

User Access Statistics

The User Access Statistics Report details the number of users logged in as well as the duration that they have been logged in by hour, day, week, month, and year for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: number of users, average duration, and total duration time logged in by hour, day, week, month, and year. The report can be filtered by start time and end time.

User Room Access Statistics

The User Room Access Statistics Report details the number of users that entered a campus, building, floor, room, and room session by hour, day, week, month, and year for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: number of users, average duration, and total duration time logged in by hour, day, week, month, and year. The report can be filtered by start time and end time, campus name, building name, floor name, room name, and room session ID.

Room Chat Statistics

The Room Chat Statistics Report displays the number of chat messages for a given room by hour, day, week, month, and year for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: room name, and number of chat messages by hour, day, week, month, year. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and room name.

Whiteboard Statistics

The Whiteboard Statistics Report displays the number of whiteboard events for a given room by hour, day, week, month, and year for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: room name, and number of whiteboard events by hour, day, week, month, and year. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and room name.

Page Statistics

The Page Statistics Report displays the number of pages by hour, day, week, month, and year for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: number of pages by hour, day, week, month, and year. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and user name.

Room Session Statistics

The Room Session Statistics Report displays the number of room sessions and users entered for a specified time frame. The report renders the following information: room name, the number of room sessions, the number of whiteboard sessions, the number of audio conferences, the number of video conferences, and the number of users entered. The report can be filtered by start time, end time, and room name.

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