Administration Guide

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Building Administration

In each campus there are organizational units called buildings which contain floors and rooms. From the Campus Details page, the Building tab may be selected to view the Building Summary page containing a list of buildings in that campus. This page allows administrators to add new buildings, delete existing buildings, and access the Building Details page where they may add, view, or modify building information. This page also allows access to additional levels of detail where changes can be made to the attributes for floors and rooms. For further navigation instructions, see Navigating Administration.

Building details that may be added, viewed, or modified are as follows:

To view or modify building details:
  1. Select the building from the list on the Building Summary page. The Building Details page will appear.
  2. Modify building details as desired.
  3. Select the Save button to save your changes. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
  4. Figure 3-1 Building Details

    Building Details


Adding and Deleting Buildings

Several buildings may be added to the collaborative environment, each with its own set of floors and rooms. Administrators may create as many buildings as are necessary for each campus. Administrators may also delete existing buildings. All floors and rooms within that building will be deleted. There must be at least one building in a campus.

The Building tab accesses the Building Summary page containing a list of buildings in the campus. This page is used to select, add, and delete buildings.

To add a new building to a campus:
  1. From the Campus Details page, select the Building tab to access the Building Summary page.
  2. Click the New button on the bottom of the page. The Building Details screen will display.
  3. Complete details.
  1. Select the Save button to save the new building details and return to the buildings list. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
Note: To add another building without returning to the Building Summary page, click the Save/Next button. A new Building Details page will appear.
To delete a building:
  1. From the buildings list in the Building Summary page, select the box next to the building you wish to delete. A checkmark will appear in the box when the building has been selected.
  2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. A confirmation window will appear.
  3. Select OK to delete the building or Cancel to return to the previous page.
  4. Figure 3-2 Building Summary

    Building Summary

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