Administration Guide

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Room Administration

In each floor within a building there are organizational units called rooms. From the Floor Details page, the Room tab may be selected to view the Room Summary page containing a list of rooms in that floor. This page allows administrators to add new rooms, delete existing rooms, and access the Room Details page where they may add, view, or modify room details. For further navigation instructions, see Navigating Administration.

Room details that may be viewed, modified, or added are as follows:

To view or modify room details:
  1. Select a room from the rooms list on the Room Summary page. The Room Details page will appear.
  2. Modify room details as desired.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes or the Cancel button to return to the rooms list. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
  4. Figure 5-1 Room Details

    Room Details


Adding and Deleting Rooms

Several rooms may be added to each floor in the collaborative Administrators may also delete existing rooms. There must be at least one room in a floor.

The Room tab accesses the Room Summary page containing a list of rooms. This page is used to select, add, and delete rooms.

Figure 5-2 Room Summary

Room Summary

To add a new room to a floor:
  1. From the Floor Details page, select the Room tab to access the Room Summary page.
  2. Select the New button from the bottom of the page. The Room Details screen will display.
  3. Complete room details.
  1. Click the Save button to save the new room details and return to the rooms list. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
Note: To add another room without returning to the rooms list page, click the Save/Next button. A new Room Details page will appear.
To delete a room:
  1. From the rooms list on the Room Summary page, select the check box next to the room you wish to delete. A checkmark will appear in the box when the room has been selected.
  2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. A confirmation window will appear.
  3. Click OK to delete the room or Cancel to return to the previous page.


Selecting Room Administrators

Administrators may assign administrative access to users within the collaborative environment. This will allow individual users to change room details, assign user access, and access other administrative functions to the rooms they are assigned. Remote users may not be assigned administrative access.

To select room administrators:
  1. From the Room Details page, select the arrow button next to Administrators to view the administrator selection tool.
  2. Select the Users or Groups radio button to view available users or groups.
  3. Type search criteria into the Contains field and press Enter to quickly search for users or groups in the list. A * will display a list of all users/groups.
  4. Highlight the user(s) or group(s) in the Available Users/Groups list.
  5. Click the right arrow button to move the highlighted users to the Selected Users/Groups list on the right.
  6. Select the Grant or Deny radio buttons to either grant all users in the selected users/groups list administrator access or to deny all selected users/groups administrator access.
  7. Note: If you choose to deny all selected users/groups access than those users listed in the available users/groups list will be granted administrator access.
  8. Click the Save button to save changes. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
  9. Figure 5-3 User/Group Chooser

    User/Group Chooser


Selecting Room Access

Administrators may assign access to users in the collaborative environment. Users will be able to access rooms or floors to which they have been granted access, or any rooms or floors to which access has not been denied. Both local and remote campus users can be added to the access lists.

To select room access:
  1. From the Room Details page, select the arrow button next to Room Access to view the room access selection tool.
  2. Select the Users or Groups radio button to view available users.
  3. If desired, type criteria into the Contains field and press Enter to quickly search for users or groups in the list.
  4. Highlight the user(s) or group(s) in the Available Users/Groups list. Remote users have their campus name appended in the display.
  5. Select the right arrow button to move the highlighted users to the Selected Users/Groups list on the right. Select the left arrow button to remove selected users or groups.
  6. Select the Grant or Deny radio buttons to either grant all users in the selected users/groups list default access or to deny all selected users/groups default access.
Note: If you choose to deny all selected users/groups access, those users listed in the available users/groups list will be granted default access.
  1. Select the Save button to save changes. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
  2. Figure 5-4 User/Group Chooser

    User/Group Chooser

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