Administration Guide

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Remote Campus Administration

CollabraSuite, BEA Edition allows users from separate campuses to interact using the Remote Campus Access feature, which creates a connection between the home campus and one or many other existing campuses. Using a remote campus, authorized users from one campus may log into and navigate another campus to which they have been given access. This allows users on different campuses to communicate without having to create duplicate users and information. Users are also able to access the remote campus without having to log out of their own local campus, thereby creating a seamless link between campuses. Administrators may connect as many remote campuses as needed. Details for each campus must be modified by accessing the campus as a local campus through the Campus tab. Connections and user authorization may be modified through the Remote tab.

The Remote Campus Summary page is accessed through the Remote tab. This page allows administrators to add or delete a remote campus connection, view or modify details about the connection to a remote campus, or to modify users for a remote campus. A remote campus must be disabled to edit any of the connection information and enabled in order to modify the list of remote users allowed into the local campus.

Figure 6-1 Remote Campus Summary

Remote Campus Summary


Adding and Deleting a Remote Campus

Remote campuses may be connected to a local campus by adding a campus to the Remote Campus Summary page. By adding or modifying a campus on the remote campus list, administrators are adding or modifying connections to already existing campuses. A new campus may be created via the Campus Summary page. Once a campus has been created, it may be connected to another campus by accessing the Remote tab through the home campus. This page also allows administrators to delete or test an existing remote campus connection.

To add a remote campus:
  1. From the Campus Details page, select the Remote tab. The Remote Campus Summary page will appear.
  2. Select the New button in at the bottom of the page. The Remote Campus Details page will appear.
  3. Complete the follwing remote campus information:
  1. Click the Save button to create the remote campus connection.

The remote campus will now be added to the remote campus list.

Note: To add another remote campus connection without returning to the remote campus list page, click the Save/Next button. A new Remote Campus Details page will appear.
Figure 6-2 Remote Campus Details

Remote Campus Details

To delete a remote campus:
  1. From the remote campus list on the Remote Campus Summary page, select the check box next to the campus you wish to delete. A checkmark will appear in the box when the campus has been selected.
  2. Click the Delete button.

The remote campus will no longer appear on the Remote Campus page.

To enable or disable a remote campus connection:
  1. Locate the desired campus on the Remote Campus Summary page.
  2. Select the check box next to the campus. A checkmark will appear in the box if the campus is selected.
  3. Click either the Enable button to enable the connection, or the Disable button to disable the connection.

The remote campus will be either enabled or disabled. A remote campus must be disabled to modify information or test a connection.

To test a remote campus connection:
  1. Locate the desired campus on the Remote Campus Summary page.
  2. Select the check box next to the campus. A checkmark will appear in the box if the campus is selected.
  3. Click the Disable button to disable the campus. The enabled status will read "No."
  4. Click the Test Connection button to test the connection. A Remote Campus Test Result window will appear with the results.
  5. Click the Enable button to enable the campus.


Modifying a Remote Campus Connection

Remote campus connections may be modified through the Remote tab of the Administration Details section. Administrators may view but not modify information once a connection to a remote campus is established. If the connection is disabled, the information on the Remote Campus Details page will be accessible. The administrator will then be able to modify any information about the remote campus connection.

To modify a remote campus:
  1. Locate the desired campus on the Remote Campus Summary page.
  2. Select the check box next to the campus. A checkmark will appear in the box if the campus is selected.
  3. Click the Disable button to disable the campus connection.
  4. Select the campus name to access the Remote Campus Details page.
  5. Modify any desired information.
  6. Clickt the Save button to save the information and return to the Remote Campus Summary page.
  7. Click the Enable button for the modified campus to enable the connection to the remote campus.
  8. Figure 6-3 Remote Campus Summary

    Remote Campus Summary


Remote Campus User Administration

Administrators may create groups of users who may be given access to a remote campus. Once this group has been given access to the remote campus, they will be able to navigate the remote campus without logging out of their own local campus. Remote users are able to access any rooms within that campus to which they have access, and work inside that campus as a local user would. A user must belong to a group to be given remote access.

In Remote Campus Administration, administrators can allow users from a remote campus to enter the local campus as remote users. Administrators of the remote campus will have assigned users access to the campus, but the users will not be given access until local administrators have accepted them as remote users. Local administrators are also able to grant or deny access to any specific building, floor, or room as necessary.

Users must be both selected by local administrators and accepted by remote administrators in order to have remote access to a local campus.

To grant local users access to a remote campus:
  1. From the Campus Details page, select the Group tab. The Group Summary will appear.
  2. Create a new group that includes the local users you wish to give the ability to access the remote campus. See Group Administration for more information on creating a group.
  3. Select the Remote tab. The Remote Campus Summary page will appear.
  4. Select the desired campus to enter the Remote Campus Details page.
  5. From the Access Group drop-down list, select the group you wish to give access to the remote campus.
  6. Select the Save button to save your changes.

The users will now be listed as remote users in the remote campus. Users must also be accepted by local administrators to be given access to the campus.

To grant remote users access to the local campus:
  1. From the Campus Details page, select the Remote tab. The Remote Campus Summary page will appear.
  2. Locate the desired remote campus. Ensure that the remote campus connection is enabled.
  3. Select the campus to enter the Remote Campus Details page.
  4. Click the arrow button next to Remote Users at the bottom of the page to display the Remote Users Selection window. The users or groups who have been given access to the local campus by remote administrators will be displayed in the Avilable Users/Groups list.
  5. Select a user or group you wish to allow access as a remote user and click the right arrow button. The user or group will appear in the Selected Users/Groups list. Repeat until all desired users are listed in the Select Users section. You may also click the left arrow button to remove users or groups from the list.
  6. Click the Save button to save your changes.

The users will now be allowed access to the local campus. Further access may be granted or denied in the User Administration section of the local campus.

Figure 6-4 User/Group Chooser

User/Group Chooser

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