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Using the API

The API consists of classes defined in two packages:

After installation, the CollabraSuite JavaDoc API documentation can be found at http://host:port/csuite/docs.


Utility Classes

The com.collabraspace.csuite.server.i9n.util package consists of a selection of utility classes and application exceptions, which facilitate the use of the EJBs that define the main API functionality.

The com.collabraspace.csuite.server.i9n.util package contains a set of utility classes which are used as arguments and return types of the main EJB methods that form the backbone of the API. These utility classes can be separated into three main types; those which represent a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition location; those which represent a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition folder or document; those which crrepresenteate a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition group or user. Each utility class accepts a string as a descriptor to construct the related object. There are static methods in each class that can be used to construct these descriptor strings from the basic building blocks. The user is free to construct the strings manually, as well. Supplying a descriptor string with an incorrect format (i.e., accidentally using a CSuiteUser descriptor String in a CSuiteRoom constructor) will result in a MalformedDescriptorException. (see below)

The classes responsible for representing a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition location, as well as, extending the base class CSuiteLocation are represented below:

Figure 2-1 Location Class Hierarchy

Location Class Hierarchy

The constructors for the CSuiteLocation classes accept a string argument that describes the fully qualified location within a CSuiteCampus. A descriptor of "SampleCampus/SampleBuilding/SampleFloor/SampleRoom", for example, defines a room, "SampleRoom", located within a floor, "SampleFloor", contained within a building, "SampleBuilding", all within the campus "SampleCampus". Each level of this descriptor string can be represented by its own CSuiteLocation object, which is a subset of the "SampleRoom" example, above.

In addition to providing descriptor strings, alternate constructors, defined above, allow one to build a location relative to an existing CSuiteLocation object. Thus, given a CSuiteCampus object, a CSuiteBuilding within that campus can be created by using the constructor of the form CSuiteBuilding (CSuiteCampus, String), where the String argument is the name of the building. A similar process can be used to create a CSuiteFloor and CSuiteRoom.

Finally, a third constructor form allows for individual strings, corresponding to each of the elements of the descriptor string. Thus, for the SampleRoom example above, the object can also be created using a constructor of the form CSuiteRoom ("SampleCampus", "SampleBuilding", "SampleFloor", "SampleRoom").

The CSuiteLocationInfo object acts as a wrapper around a CSuiteLocation and contains additional information about a CollabraSuite location.

Where a CSuiteLocation object contains information only about a specific location (e.g. building), the CSuiteLocationInfo object contains information about the location's description and icon. In the case of a room it also contains its lockable status.

The classes responsible for creating a folder or document are depicted below, and all extend the base class CSuiteContent:

Figure 2-2 Content Class Hierarchy

Content Class Hierarchy

The constructors for the CSuiteContent classes take a string argument that describes the file structure within CollabraSuite, BEA Edition of the desired content. For example, a document named "MyDocument" within a folder named "Folder1" would be constructed with a descriptor String of "/Folder1/MyDocument". A forward slash ("/") is always used as the file separator. As with CSuiteLocation, nested folders must be created one at a time. (although this is not true for deleting content)

It should also be noted that the CSuiteContent classes are used for both File Cabinet and Briefcase operations. The distinction is made by the passing either a user (for Briefcase) or room (for File Cabinet) into the specific API methods. The descriptor string "/" always denotes the root of the location (either the File Cabinet or the Briefcase).

Once content is created, its metadata can be manipulated via CSuiteDocumentInfo and CSuiteFolderInfo objects. Content information can be read by using the getFolderContentInfo() methods, while it is set through the use of the setContentInfo() methods.

The classes responsible for representing a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition group and user include:

The constructors for these objects consist of a campus name and either a user or group name, as appropriate. For example, to create a CSuiteUser object for a user in campus "SampleCampus" whose login is "testUser1", the descriptor string would be: "SampleCampus:testUser1".

The CSuiteACL class defines an Access Control List comprised of a set of users and/or groups. These users and/or groups can be either granted or denied access to a location or resource.

The CSuiteDocumentType class represents a Document Type in CollabraSuite, BEA Edition and consists of a mime-type, a file extension, a name, a description and an image.

Where the CSuiteUser class represents a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition user, the CSuiteUserInfo class contains information about a user such as home room and contact information.

The CSuitePriority class is used to define a priority within CollabraSuite, BEA Edition that can be used as an argument to a page. Unlike the other utilities, this class does not take a descriptor String in its constructor. Rather, it takes the name of the priority (i.e., "High") and a numeric sort order used to compare one priority against another. An icon should also be supplied.

Finally, the API also defines the CSuiteFactory utility class to perform JNDI lookups associated with obtaining handles to the two session EJBs:



The com.collabraspace.csuite.server.i9n.util package contains two varieties of exceptions that are described in the API. The two varieties are the standard Java/EJB Exceptions and CollabraSuite, BEA Edition API specific Integration Application Exceptions. These Integration Application Exceptions are defined in the document as:

It must be noted that there are several other CollabraSuite, BEA Edition exception types that may be thrown by the API method. One example of this exception type is the com.collabraspace.cserver.interfaces.ServiceException. These exceptions are generated from within the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition server code that sits behind the API methods themselves. These are not Integration-specific CollabraSuite, BEA Edition exceptions and are not detailed in this API.



The Integration API uses Log4j as its logging implementation. For details on configuring Log4j, see When running inside the WebLogic application server (or when weblogic.jar is on the CLASSPATH), log messages are integrated with the WebLogic log. In both cases, the cs.log.debug Java system property can be used as a convenience to enable debugging on a package or class basis. The following example starts a client with debugging turned on:

% java -classpath
-Dcs.log.debug=com.collabraspace CSuiteIntegrationClient



It is often desirable to perform multiple Integration API method calls such that they are committed or rolled back as a group. This is accomplished by executing the multiple calls in the context of a single transaction.

If the caller does not have a current transaction, one will be started at the beginning of the Integration API method call and committed when the call sucessfully returns. The transaction will be rolled back if an exception is thrown. When the caller already has an active transaction, the Integration API methods will execute within the context of that transaction.

When invoking the Integration API from the Enterprise JavaBean tier of a J2EE application server, this is easily accomplished with container managed transactions. However, the transactions must be managed manually from the web tier or from a standalone client. The CSuiteFactory provides two convenience methods for manually managing transactions: beginTransaction() and commitTransaction().

For a full discussion on the topic of transaction management please refer to the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification.


Package com.collabraspace.csuite.server.i9n.ejb

The com.collabraspace.csuit.server.i9n.ejb package contains two EJBs, one handling basic administrative functions and the other handling collaborative functions. These are described in more detail below.

Administrative Functions

Functions necessary for the administration of a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition campus are provided in this API. They can be grouped into three categories: information retrieval/modification, resource creation/deletion, and permission modification.

Information Retrieval and Modification

The information retrieval functions provide users with information relating to the structure of the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition campus, such as the definition of the buildings, floors, and rooms contained within the campus. They also provide information on the users in the campus; such as, who are the active users in a campus? Where are they located? Which are currently on-line? What are their skills? These methods typically return java.util.Collections containing utility types described in the above Utility Classes section. For example, getUsers returns a Collection of CSuiteUser objects, a utility class.

The information modification functions allow for the creation and deletion of skills which are assigned to users. The list of available skills is customizable and allow for greater knowledge sharing and problem solving because users can seek out other users with a required skill set in order to tackle an issue or problem. The functions, createSkill and deleteSkill, accept CSuiteCampus and a String, which is the skill to be created or deleted, and complete the action within the campus specified. The information modification functions also allow for the creation of priorities within a campus. These are used to prioritize pages and secure chat sessions. Default priorities are "Low", "Medium" and "High", but other priorities can be added to a campus. Using the function, createPriority, a CSuiteCampus class and the CSuitePriority class are used to assign a new, non-default priority to a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition campus.

Specifically, the information retrieval methods are:

The corresponding modification methods are:

Location Administration

The location functions deal solely with the administration of locations within a campus. A location can be a room, a floor, a building, and even a campus. Also available is the verification of the existence of a location within a campus or of the campus, itself. This verification ensures that duplicate locations are not created or that a location can be identified before it is deleted or modified. The location functions are:

To create new locations, create a CSuiteLocation object representing the new location, then build a new CSuiteLocationInfo object using the CSuiteLocation object and add the additional information. Then use the createLocation() method to create the location.

It is important to understand that when creating nested locations, it is necessary to create the locations in proper order. That is, one cannot create a CSuiteRoom object without first creating the CSuiteFloor object, or the CSuiteFloor before the CSuiteBuilding, etc. For example, in order to create the "SampleRoom" (described above), it would be necessary to create first the "SampleCampus", and then the "SampleBuilding" location, followed by the "SampleFloor", and lastly the "SampleRoom" location. Any attempt to create this location in a single call, that is, creating the campus, building, floor and room all at the same time, will result in an InvalidResourceException, defined in the Exceptions section, above. In the prior example, it is not necessary to create descriptor strings for each level. As indicated above in the Utility Classes section, CSuiteLocation objects can be used in the constructors for other CSuiteLocations, easing the developer's task in creating nested locations within a campus.

The moveFloor() and moveRoom() methods can be used to move floors and rooms to different locations within the same campus. They can also be used to rename a floor or room.simply


Functions to modify permissions are also available in this API. These permissions take on a variety of forms. They can be access or administration privileges given to locations for specified groups and users. They can even be associates lists which are assigned to specific users. Regardless of form, these all, in some way, regulate or restrict access to locations and users within in the campus:

In some of these cases, the arguments for the methods include arrays of CSuiteUser objects and arrays of CSuiteGroup objects. The general rule of thumb is that any user or group specified will be used in the given operation. If the users array is null, only the specified groups will be used. Conversely, if the groups array is null, only the specified users will be used. When both the users and groups arrays are null, the operation will be applied to all users in the campus (i.e., the "Everyone" group).

In other instances, such as setLocationAccess(), a CSuiteACL object is used to specify the users, groups and the grant mode. The grant mode defines whether we intend to grant or deny access to the supplied users/groups. The constants used for the grant mode argument are defined in the CSuiteACL class.

Collaboration Functions

Functions required to establish and maintain a collaborative session are also included in this API. These functions relate to the creation, management, and deletion of documents, the sending of pages between users and/or groups and the initiation of sidebar sessions. These functions are provided via utility classes found in the com.collabraspace.csuite.server.i9n.ejb package. In a collaborative session, the creation of documents and folders, and the ability to manage and share them in that session, is essential. The following allow for the creation, deletion and examining of the contents of files and folders:

In order to modify a document the client must first check out the document from CollabraSuite. This can be accomplished by invoking either of the checkOutDocument methods (one method is for briefcase documents, the other for file cabinet documents). After the document is checked out, invoke the getDocumentContents method to retrieve the actual document to the local system. At this point the document may be modified either programmatically or via an external application (e.g. Word, Excel, etc). Once modifications are complete, the document must be checked back into CollabraSuite. This can be accomplished by using one of the checkInDocument methods. In general, the call pattern to modify a document in CollabraSuite will be:

    1. checkOutDocument()
    2. getDocumentContents()
    3. checkInDocument()

The setItemInfo() method takes a CSuiteContentInfo that contains a CSuiteACL, explained above in the Administrative Functions section. In this case, the CSuiteACL also contains an accessType that defines whether permissions for an item are being set to read, write or read-write.

Sending pages and participating in sidebar sessions are also major aspects of collaboration and the methods, sendPage() and createSidebar(), allow for this functionality in a CollabraSuite campus.

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