SIP Service Engine© Documentations
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Basic Components

Basic components are packages that consist of reusable components for a specific function. SIP Servlet Engine uniquely defines the APIs. You can use any of these components to the needs and purpose of your application.

SIP Servlet Engine 3.0 provides the following basic components:

SIP Signaling Component
Provides a reusable base class for developing SIP servlets and out-of-box SIP servlets that have generic functions.

The following common packages are provided with basic components:

Describes security-related APIs provided by SIP Servlet Engine and basic components and how to use them.
The query API that is commonly used by basic components. It is designed so that you can write complicated query expressions only with Java API.
A package consisting of simple utility classes that have no external interface such as a database and SIP like the above components.

Last Modified:Wed Dec 22 10:58:47 JST 2004