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SIP Servlet Programming

Overview of SIP Servlets
Describes an overview of SIP servlets and SIP. This document is intended for users who have a general knowledge of an HTTP servlet.
Examples of SIP Applications
Shows examples of applications you can create using SIP servlets. This document describes the SIP sequence of each application from a developer's point of view.
Interaction between Servlet Contexts
Describes interaction between an HTTP and SIP contexts required for programming on SIP Servlet Engine.
SPI (Service Provider Interface)
SPI is an interface that consists of reusable components for a specific function and can be used to properly work with the authentication function of SIP Servlet Engine when you create your application. SIP Servlet Engine uniquely defines the APIs. Each service provider can work with the SIP authentication function of SIP Servlet Engine by implementing SPI. Currently, the following SPIs are provided:
Basic Components
Basic components are packages that consist of reusable components for a specific function. SIP Servlet Engine uniquely defines the APIs. Currently, we provide the following basic components:
We also provide the following packages used with basic components:
  • EchoServlet
    This tutorial shows process steps to deploy an application by developing a simple SIP Servlet.
  • Click2dial
    This sample shows the way to add the Click2Dial function to your Web application. This sample uses Struts for the framework of the Web application.
  • Chat Sending
    This sample shows how to send an instant message from a Web screen. This sample uses the SIP Servlet class and the Struts Action class that work together.

Last Modified:Tue Jan 11 16:12:18 JST 2005