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Location Management Interface

The location management interface is used to retrieve and manage location information about SIP Servlet Engine subscribers.

The structure of the location management interface is as follows:

RegistrationInfo Interface

This interface defines the minimum location information used by SIP Servlet Engine. This interface extends the SubscriberInfo interface.

Gets the value of CSeq of the registered message.
Retrieves Call-ID of the registered message.
Retrieves Contact of the registered message.
Retrieves the expiry time (in seconds) of the registered message.
Retrieves the update time (in seconds) of the registered message.
setCSeq(int cseq)
Gets the value of CSeq of the registered message.
setCallId(String callId)
Retrieves Call-ID of the registered message.
setContact(Address contact)
Retrieves Contact of the registered message.
setExpiryTime(long expiryTime)
Retrieves the expiry time (in seconds) of the registered message.
setUpdateTime(long updateTime)
Retrieves the update time (in seconds) of the registered message.

LocationReader Interface

This interface is used to retrieve and manage location information about registered users.

Returns total registrations of location information.
getContactList(SipUri subscriber, String callId)
Retrieves a list of Contact headers of the SIP terminal of the specified SipURI user. It returns a list that stores Contact headers (Addresses). If no header is found, an empty list must be returned. If callId is null, a list of the Contact headers of all SIP terminals of the specified SipURI user.
getRegistrationInfoList(SipURI subscriber, String callId)
Retrieves a list of RegistrationInfo of the SIP terminal of the specified SipURI user. It returns a list that stores RegistrationInfo. If no header is found, an empty list must be returned. If callId is null, a list of RegistrationInfo of all SIP terminals of the specified SipURI user.
isRegistering(SipURI subscriber)
Returns true if location information about the specified SipURI user exists. Otherwise, it returns false..

LocationEditor Interface

This interface is used to register and delete location information about registered users.

You must define a class that implements the LocationEditor interface to run a demo application properly.

addRegistration(RegistrationInfo rinfo)
Registers location information by specifying RegistrationInfo. If the specified SipURI user does not exist, InvalidSubscriberException must be thrown. If the location information has already been added with the same Call-ID, it does not perform anything.
addRegistratoin(SipURI aor, String callid, Address contact, int cseq, long expirytime)
Registers location information by specifying parameters. If the specified SipURI user does not exist, InvalidSubscriberException must be thrown. If the location information has already been added with the same Call-ID, it does not perform anything.
refreshRegistration(RegistrationInfo rinfo)
Registers location information by specifying RegistrationInfo. If the SipURI user returned by Registration.getSipURI() does not exist, InvalidSubscriberException must be thrown. If the location information about the specified Call-ID does not exist, it does not perform anything.
removeRegistrations(SipURI subscriber, String callId, Address contact)
Deletes location information by specifying parameters. subscriber is a required argument. If the callId argument is not null, location information corresponding to the callId is deleted. If the callId argument is null, all location information that matches the other parameters is deleted. If the contact argument is not null, location information that matches the contact is deleted. If the contact argument is null, all location information that matches the other parameters is deleted. If there is no matching, it does nothing.

Last Modified:Tue Dec 28 16:03:00 JST 2004