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SPI-related Classes

The following classes are defined as SPI-related classes:

Description of Classes

Class Name Description
ProviderEvent The base class of the event registered with JMS from SPI. Any object registered with JMS from SPI must extend this class.
SubscriberEvent The event object occurred on authentication. It has three types: authentication failed, REGISTER succeeded, and UN-REGISTER succeeded.
SubscriptionEvent The event object occurred when presence ACL information is changed. It has four event types: adding and deleting the presence information permission list, and adding and deleting the presence information rejection list.

Description of Exception Classes

Exception Class name Description
ProviderException The base class of exception occurred in SPI. Any exception occurred by the SPI implementation must extend this class.
IllegalOperationException The exception that occurs when illegal operations are performed.
IllegalPasswordException The exception that occurs when an incorrect password is specified.
InvalidSubscriberException The exception that occurs when illegal subscriber information is found.

For more information, refer to JavaDoc.

Last Modified:Mon Dec 27 07:06:37 PM JST 2004