SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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Q. Can I use the WAR files in the distribution file?
A. The WAR files in the distribution file are converted their parameters for the DD files, etc. according to your deployment environment during installation. Therefore, you can not deploy the WAR files in the distribution file directly. Use them after conversion.

The files converted during installation are located in the $BEA_HOME/sip/application.

Q. I can not use the voice mail demo function even after JMF installation. Why?
A. Check that your OS is Solaris or Windows. Because JMF Linux Edition has a problem with its RTP function, it may work incorrectly.

If your JMF is not the latest version (2.1.1e), it may work incorrectly. Upgrade your JMF.

If your JMF is the latest version (2.1.1e), verify the SIP Servlet Engine execution log messages. One of the following three messages is logged immediately after startup.

JMF is not installed.

This message is logged when SIP Servlet Engine can not load the JMF class. Check again that JMF has been installed in your Java runtime environment.

Retrieving the JMF registry "secure.allowSaveFileFromApplets" failed.

This message is logged when SIP Servlet Engine loaded the JMF class successfully but failed to access to the JMF registry. The JMF registry is contained as /usr/local/java/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/ (based on the assumption that the JMF installation directory is /usr/local/java/JMF-2.1.1e). Set the correct CLASSPATH to access to this file, or prepare the ~/.jmfdir file. Only the directory where the JMF Jar file exists (in the above example, /usr/local/java/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/ should be written on a single line in the ~/.jmfdir file.

The value in the JMF registry "secure.allowSaveFileFromApplets" is incorrect.

This message is logged when SIP Servlet Engine accessed to the JMF registry but failed to store it locally. Start the /usr/local/java/JMF-2.1.1e/bin/jmfregistry tool and check that the Allow File Writing for Applets checkbox is selected in the User Settings tab.

Application Development

Q. Can I use the hot-deploy function for SIP applications during development?
A. When you copy files archived in a WAR file to the applications directory, the hot-deploy function works properly. Even when you update the files, this function automatically shuts down the old servlet and reloads the new servlet.

But when you deploy an application in exploded format, an exception will occur at the first deployment time. Therefore, if you want to deploy an application that is not archived for development, you should shut down WebLogic Server before deploying.

The hot-deploy function works properly in further redeployment of the application. It is automatically reloaded by modifying the REDEPLOY file in the WEB-INF (or META-INF) directory to alter its timestamp.

Last Modified:Sat Mar 27 20:57:39 JST 2004