SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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Release Note
This document describes information specific to the V3.0 release and so on. Make sure to read it when introducing this product because it also describes known functional limitations.
Supported Configurations
This document describes information about the platforms and middleware needed to run SIP Servlet Engine. It also describes the recommended hardware configuration.
Introduction to SIP Servlet Engine
This document introduces the features and configurations of SIP Servlet Engine. Read it when introducing this product for the first time.
Samples and Tutorial
This document lists the sample codes and demo applications provided with SIP Servlet Engine.
sip-demo Users Guide
This document is the users guide for the sip-demo which is one of the demo applications provided with SIP Servlet Engine.
sip-admin Users Guide
This document is the users guide for the sip-admin which is one of the demo applications provided with SIP Servlet Engine.
OKISoftphone Users Guide
This document describes how to use Softphone which is used on SIP Servlet Engine.
This document is a summary of frequently asked questions.

Last Modified:Wed Oct 20 14:28:52 JST 2004