SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
  Top >   System Management >   Configuration >   Deployment > SIP Applications > Configuration > Descriptor

Deployment > SIP Applications > Configuration > Descriptor


The SIP Applications --> Configuration --> Descriptor tab defines the configuration of application deployment descriptor file associated with SIP application modules.

In the Descriptor tab, you can view, modify and persist deployment descriptor elements of a SIP application descriptor file.

However, the descriptor element modified in the Descriptor tab are dynamically enabled without redeployment of the SIP application. The descriptor elements included in the Descriptor tab are limited to those that can be dynamically changed at runtime.

Note: These attributes are held in the sse.xml deployment descriptor file. When you modify the values of the attributes and click Apply, the deployment descriptor files of the SIP applications deployed in all the appropriate server machines are updated.


Attribute Label Description Constraints
Maximum Session Value The maximum number of application sessions that can be generated by this SIP application. (If negative value is specified, there is no limit.) This value is defined in the deployment descriptor sse.xml.

MBean: ContextRuntimeMBean
Attribute: MaxApplicationSessionCount
Minimum : 0
Maximum: 2147483647
Negative: Unlimited

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Last Modified:Wed Dec 22 11:44:30 JST 2004