SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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This document provides information for configuration and operation maintenance of SIP Servlet Engine after installation.

License File
Information on SIP Servlet Engine license. If SIP Servlet Engine performs an unexpected operation, it is possible that you are requesting SIP Servlet Engine to perform more than what is licensed. In such case, consult this document to check again the licensed items that you have purchased.
SIP Servlet Container (sipserver.xml)
Describes how to configure SIP servlet container provided by SIP Servlet Engine. Changes to the port number or the like used by SIP should be made according to this document.
WebLogic Server (config.xml)
Describes the items in the settings of WebLogic Server which are related to SIP Servlet Engine.
Security Management
SIP Servlet Engine is also in close linkage with WebLogic Server 8.1 SP3 with respect to user management and security mechanism. This document specifically describes the security mechanism.
Logging Management
Describes the log output by SIP Servlet Engine and how to configure it.
Blockage Function
Describes the blockage function for incoming-calls provided by SIP Servlet Engine.
Swapping Function
Describes session swapping function provided by SIP Servlet Engine.
Network Channel Function
Describes the settings for operating SIP Servlet Engine on a machine provided with multiple LAN cards.
JMX Function
Describes MBean provided by SIP Servlet Engine.
SNMP Function
Describes SNMP MIB and trap notification provided by SIP Servlet Engine.
Administration Console
With SIP Servlet Engine, you can check and modify the settings from the Administration Console provided in WebLogic Server 8.1 SP3.

Last Modified:Mon Dec 27 10:03:47 JST 2004