SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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License File

SIP Servlet Engine offers a separate license file in addition to the installation media. This file provides description on conditions such as terms of usage upon purchase, such that you can check your license conditions by consulting it with this document.

Especially, when SIP Servlet Engine performs an unexpected operation, it it possible that you are requesting SIP Servlet Engine to perform more than what is licensed. In such case, consult this document and check again the licensed items that you have purchased.

You cannot edit this file. If the content of the file is modified, SIP Servlet Engine will not run.


Location of the license file is fixed at $BEA_HOME/sip-license.xml. After making a backup of the license file you obtained, place it in $BEA_HOME.

License Example

Since the license is written in XML format, you can view it with an editor that you normally use.

The following is an example of the license file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<license-group format="1.0"
               product="Oki SipAs"
               edition="WebLogic Server Edition">
  <license component="SIP Servlet Engine"
           licensee="OKI Evaluation Customer"
  <license component="Subscribers Manager"
           licensee="OKI Evaluation Customer"
  <license component="Registrar Servlet"
           licensee="OKI Evaluation Customer"

License Information

This section provides information on the tags and attributes described in the license file.

In this license file, two types of tags are used. Each of them has the following meaning.

<license-group> tag

The root node name of the license file.

<license> tag

This is a child node of license-group, described in units of licensed components. Currently, there are the following three component that can be specified.
    • SIP Servlet Engine
    • Subscriber Manager
    • Registrar Servlet
Within these three, SIP Servlet Engine and Subscriber Manager are components requisite to the operation of SIP Servlet Engine, and thus they should always exist. Usage of Registrar Servlet is not mandatory, but if it is not specified, you will not be able to use any of the features provided by this component.

<license-group> Tag Attributes

Attribute Name Example Description
format attribute 1.0 The attribute indicating the format of the license file. Currently, only 1.0 is supported.
product attribute Oki SipAs The attribute to indicate the product name of the licensed product. Currently, only Oki SipAs is supported.
release attribute 3.0 The attribute to indicate the release number of the licensed product.
The asterisk (*) represents a wildcard. For example, 2.* represents all the releases with major version number 3, and * represents all the releases regardless of version numbers.
edition attribute WebLogic Server Edition The attribute to indicate the edition information of the licensed product. If the platform is WebLogic Server, this attribute is always specified as WebLogic Server Edition.

<license> Tag Attributes

Attribute Name Example Description
component attribute SIP Servlet Engine The name of the licensed component. Only the above-mentioned three types exist if format="1.0".
licensee attribute Acme Co.,Ltd. Indicates the user of this license. The name specified when you purchased the product must be used for this attribute value. If you are using the evaluation license, specify OKI Evaluation Customer.
type attribute SERVICE Specifies the type of license. Currently, there are following four types of licenses.
EVAL: License for evaluation
DEVELOP: License for development
SERVICE: License for service operation
BACKUP: License for backup server
signature attribute The signature created from the license information. If your license information and the signature do not match, you cannot use any of the functionalities.

The following describes the license information to be specified for each component.

Information on SIP Servlet Engine Component

In SIP Servlet Engine license, the license information relating to the body of the SIP servlet container is specified.

Tag Name Example Description
ip-address tag Specifies the IP address of the host on which SIP Servlet Engine can operate. SIP Servlet Engine does not run on a host having an address other than the one specified here. If multiple IP addresses are registered as hosts, they will be provided as a list separated by commas (,).
Note that if any is specified, SIP Servlet Engine is operable at any IP address.
expiration tag 2010-01-01 Specifies the term in which SIP Servlet Engine can be used, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Note that if none is specified, SIP Servlet Engine can be used for an indefinite period.
max-sessions tag 3000 Indicates the maximum number of concurrently usable SIP application sessions (or, simply AP sessions). For details of AP sessions, see chapter 10 of "SIP Servlet API 1.0 Specification." Note that if any is specified, any number of AP sessions are usable.

Information on Subscribers Manager Component

In the Subscribers Manager license, the license information relating to the user management component is specified.

Tag Name Example Description
max-users tag 100 Indicates the maximum number of users that can be registered. This example shows that only up to 100 users can be registered. Note that if any is specified, any number of users can be registered.

Information on Registrar Servlet Component

In Registrar Servlet license, the license information relating to registrar server which is one of the development tools is specified.

Tag Name Example Description
max-registers tag 50 Indicates the maximum number of terminals that is concurrently available for REGISTER. In this example, the number of terminals that can be connected at the same time is limited to 50. Note that if any is specified, any number of terminals are available for REGISTER.

If You Go Beyond the License Conditions

If usage or access that exceeds the limitations of the conditions specified in the license file is detected, SIP Servlet Engine behaves in the following manner.

  • If the license file is modified, it may not match the signature. In that case, SIP Servlet Engine will not start up, or will detect abnormality and shuts down. Do not edit the license file on any account.
  • If the ip-address is incorrect, SIP Servlet Engine will not start up.
  • SIP Servlet Engine will not start up after expiration is reached. If it is already running, it will shut down automatically.
  • When the number of AP sessions has reached max-sessions and there is a request for creation of a new AP session:
    • SIP servlet container will generate an exception IllegalLicenseException and rejects the request.
    • Notification of internal exception to the source of the request must be handled by the application.
    • If the application passes the exception to the container as it is, the SIP servlet container returns "503 Out Of Licensed Resources" response.
  • If you attempt to register a user beyond the maximum number specified by max-users:
    • The user management component will generate an exception IllegalLicenseException.
    • Notification of internal exception to the source of the request must be handled by the application.
    • If the application passes the exception to the container as it is, the SIP servlet container returns "503 Out Of Licensed Resources" response.
    • Removing an existing user enables registration of the new user.
  • If the number of connected terminals has reached max-registers:
    • Registrar Servlet will return "503 Service Unavailable" to the subsequent new REGISTER.
    • Refreshing and removal (UNREGISTER) of terminals already registered can be done normally.
    • If UNREGISTER is performed to a terminal, then the next new REGISTER can be performed normally.

Last Modified:Fri Apr 23 19:04:16 JST 2004