SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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WebLogic Server (config.xml)

This document describes how to configure SIP Servlet Engine by using the WebLogic Server configuration information (config.xml).

Startup and Shutdown Classes

Startup and shutdown classes are the settings used to start up or shut down the SIP servlet container capability in SIP Servlet Engine. Specify the following classes, respectively.

Startup Class
Shutdown Class

If you do not specify these classes exactly, the SIP servlet container will fail to start up. For the startup class, you should start the SIP servlet container before deploying application modules. Therefore, you must specify either of the following attributes:

  • LoadBeforeAppDeployments="true"
  • LoadBeforeAppActivations="true"

For more information about ordering startup classes, see the BEA document "Advanced Deployment Topics/Ordering Startup Class Execution and Deployment". For more information about the setting items, see the BEA documents "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/StartupClass" and "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/ShutdownClass".

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

    FailureIsFatal="true" LoadBeforeAppDeployments="true"
    Name="SIP Service startup" Targets="myserver"/>
    Name="SIP Service shutdown" Targets="myserver"/>

Execute Queue

In SIP Servlet Engine 3.0, the execute queue provided by WebLogic Server is used to handle the received SIP messages. During installation, the execute queue "sip.transport.Default" is configured to use. You can, for example, monitor the received SIP messages by using this queue name.

Because the execute queue name used by SIP Servlet Engine is configured in the sipserver.xml, you should set these queue names to the same.

If you specify the execute queue which is not configured in the sipserver.xml, WebLogic Server will use the default execute queue.

For more information about the setting items for the execute queue, see the BEA document "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/ExecuteQueue". The following shows the settings configured during installation.

<Server ListenAddress="" ListenPort="7001" Name="myserver"
    NativeIOEnabled="true" ReliableDeliveryPolicy="RMDefaultPolicy" ServerVersion="">
    <SSL Enabled="false" HostnameVerificationIgnored="false"
        IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="myserver"/>
    <ExecuteQueue Name="sip.transport.Default"/>

Data Source

The SPI sample implementation of SIP Servlet Engine 3.0 (deployed as EJB) uses the data source to access the database. During installation, the connection pool name "LocationServer ConnectionPool" and the JNDI name of the data source "locationServet.dataSource" are defined. By checking the connection pool, you can monitor and control JDBC.

For more information about the setting items for JDBC, see the BEA documents "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/JDBCTxDataSource" and "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/JDBCDataSourceFactory".

The JNDI name of the data source used by the SPI sample implementation is defined as "DATA_SOURCE" in the ejb-jar.xml in the EJB JAR file that contains the EJB.

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

<JDBCConnectionPool CapacityIncrement="3"
    DriverName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" InitialCapacity="5"
    MaxCapacity="50" Name="LocationServer ConnectionPool"
    Password="{3DES}VXQEunlwjNo=" Properties="user=sipap"
    Targets="myserver" TestConnectionsOnCreate="true"
    TestTableName="SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"/>
<JDBCTxDataSource EnableTwoPhaseCommit="true"
    JNDIName="locationServer.dataSource" Name="LocationServer"
    PoolName="LocationServer ConnectionPool" Targets="myserver"/>


SIP Servlet Engine 3.0 uses JMS to notify the applications of the information such as the REGISTER state of users. During installation, the connection factory name "ConnectionFactory", the JMS store name "EquipsStore", the JMS server name "EquipsJMSServer", and the JNDI name of the JMSTopic destination "topic/equipsEventTopic" are configured to use. By checking the JMS destination, you can monitor and control JMS.

For more information about the setting items for JMS, see the BEA documents "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/JMSConnectionFactory", "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/JMSFileStore", and "WebLogic Server Configuration Reference/JMSServer".

The JNDI name and the connection factory name of the topic destination used when sending the events about the user information via the SPI sample implementation are defined as "EQUIPS_TOPIC" and "JMS_FACTORY", respectively, in the ejb-jar.xml in the EJB JAR file that contains the EJB.

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

<JMSConnectionFactory JNDIName="ConnectionFactory"
    Name="ConnectionFactory" Targets="myserver"/>
<JMSFileStore Directory="equipsstore" Name="EquipsStore"/>
<JMSServer Name="EquipsJMSServer" Store="EquipsStore" Targets="myserver">
    <JMSTopic JNDIName="topic/equipsEventTopic" Name="Equips Event"/>

EJBs used by the SIP servlet engine

In SIP Servlet Engine 3.0, the SPI sample implementation used when accessing the database through the SIP servlet engine is deployed as EJB. During installation, the EJB module names "sip-equips-base" and "sip-equips-presence" are configured to use. For more information about these EJBs, see "SIP Servlet Programming/(Service Provider Inteface)."

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

<Application LoadOrder="90" Name="sip-equips-base"
    StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
    <EJBComponent Name="sip-equips-base" Targets="myserver" URI="sip-equips-base.jar"/>
<Application LoadOrder="90" Name="sip-equips-presence"
    StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
    <EJBComponent Name="sip-equips-presence" Targets="myserver" URI="sip-equips-presence.jar"/>


In SIP Servlet Engine 3.0, the security providers provided by WebLogic Server allow you to authenticate and manage the users. If these settings are changed from the default, the security providers may not work properly.

For more information about each security provider, see Security Management.

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

<Security Name="mydomain"
    Realm="wl_default_realm" RealmSetup="true">
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>

        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultIdentityAsserter" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultRoleMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthorizer" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAdjudicator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultCredentialMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmUserLockoutManager" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        DefaultRealm="true" DisplayName="myrealm"
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmFormAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmSipRoleMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmSipAuthorizer" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
        Name="Security:Name=myrealmSipAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>

Last Modified:Fri Jan 07 20:47:15 JST 2005