SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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SIP Servlet Container (sipserver.xml)

This document describes how to configure the SIP servlet container capabilities provided by SIP Servlet Engine. The configuration information of the SIP servlet container is stored in the configuration file sipserver.xml. This file is located in the WebLogic domain directory (for example, $BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain).

When the following settings have been edited directly, you need to restart WebLogic Server to reflect the changes. If the settings were specified via Administration console, restarting the server may not be requisite in some cases.

Setting Up a Property

Property is configuration information referenced by SIP Servlet Engine at run time, and is specified with the <container-param> tag. The <container-param> tag has two children: the <param-name> and <param-value> tags. Each tag specifies the property name or its value, respectively.

The following values can be set for the <param-name> tag:

Set the period (by ms) from the last accessed time of the application session to the time when it is swapped out. However, the timing of swap-out would be every 1/10 seconds of this value (For example, if the period until swap-out is set as 10 minutes, it would happen every 1 minute. If a value shorter than 30 seconds is specified, it would be every 30 seconds). Accordingly, swap-out may not always occur immediately after the specified period of time has passed. If a negative value is set, the swapping function is disabled. A value less than 60000 cannot be specified. If you have not specified SessionSwapoutDuration, the value is set to 600000 (10 minutes).
Specify the period to cache the address information retrieved by network channel function. The specification is made by msec and the shortest period that can be specified is 500 (msec). In addition, the default is 30 seconds (30,000) and this default period is also used when a negative value is specified.

Setting Up a Filter

A filter is a component for filtering received SIP messages before they are processed by SIP Servlet container. Filtering process has the pipeline structure. The SIP messages are processed through the filters in the order which the filters are configured in the sipserver.xml. A filter is specified with the <filter> tag which has the following attribute.

Specify the class name which implements the filter. This attribute is required.

SIP Servlet Engine 3.0 provides the following filters.

You can set a parameter to the filter by using the <filter-param> tag. The configurable parameter varies depending on the filter. For information about the configurable parameter, see each filter.

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

 <filter classname="">
 <filter classname=""/>

This filter checks the incoming lockout and outgoing lockout flags configured by the administrator for the user. If the outgoing lockout flag of the user whose URI specified in the From header is enabled, the 403 response will be returned. If the incoming lockout flag of the user whose URI specified in the To header is enabled, the 480 response will be returned. To set the incoming lockout and outgoing lockout flags for the user, use the SIP Servlet Engine Management tool (See sip-admin Users Guide).

The configurable parameter is:

Specify the trusted host name. When setting multiple host names, enter them as a comma-separated list. If the filter checks the first address in the Via header and then determines that the message comes directly from the host configured by this parameter, the filter will not check the lockout flags and pass the message to the application.

This filter is used to implement the security features defined in the sip.xml (for example, <security-constraint>). For more information about using the security features, see Security.

The configurable parameter is:

Specify the trusted host name. When setting multiple host names, enter them as a comma-separated list. If the filter checks the first address in the Via header and then determines that the message comes directly from the host configured by this parameter, the filter will not check the lockout flags and pass the message to the application. At that time, the security-related method, such as SipServletMessage.getUserPrincpal(), will return the same value as returned to an unauthenticated message.
nonce Timeout time (in seconds)
Number of valid times of nonce


AccessLogFilter is a filter to record server access by SIP. In AccessLogFilter, you can set the following values to <param-name>.

param-name Description
format Set the format of access log. The format is defined by an integer not less than 0, bracketed by "{" and "}".
Number not less than 0 Set a token to record to the number defined in "format".

The following tokens can be specified:

Token Description Example
%date The date when the message was received. ("yyyy/MM/dd" format) 2004/05/16
%time The time when the message was received. ("HH:mm:ss" format) 18:05:27
%mtype The type of receiving. SIPREQ
%method The name of the SIP method. It records the method name to invoke when forwarding. INVITE
%call_id The Call-ID header. It is blank when forwarding. 43543543
%cseq The CSeq header. It is blank when forwarding. INVITE 1
%req_uri The request URI. This token is only available for the SIP request.
%from The From header (all). It is blank when forwarding.;tag=438943
%from_uri The SIP URI part of the From header. It is blank when forwarding.
%from_tag The tag parameter of the From header. It is blank when forwarding. 12345
%to The To header (all). It is blank when forwarding.;tag=438943
%to_uri The SIP URI part of the To header. It is blank when forwarding.
%to_tag The tag parameter of the To header. It is blank when forwarding. 12345
%exception The class name of the exception occurred when calling the AP. Detailed information is recorded to the run-time log. NullPointerException

The access log is stored to the file specified in the in the directory where WebLogic Server runs. The default setting is (the directory where WLS runs)/logs/sip/access.log.

The following shows the settings configured during installation.

 <filter classname="com.oki.sip.engine.server.AccessLogFilter">
     <param-value>{0} {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}</param-value>

Setting Up a Proxy Server

A proxy server is specified with the <default-proxy> tag. You can configure multiple proxy servers. The TCP messages are sent to the proxy servers in the order which the proxy servers are configured. The UDP messages are sent only to the first proxy server. The <default-proxy> tag has the following three attributes. These attributes are required.

The host name or IP address of the proxy server.
The connection port number for the proxy server.
The transport name used by the proxy server. The possible values are "tcp" and "udp."

You can change the behavior of proxy process by setting a policy. A policy is specified with the <proxy-policy> tag. The possible values are as follows:

Sends messages as per the routing rule defined by RFC 3261.
Sends the message to the downstream proxy specified in the "default-proxy". If there are multiple specifications for "default-proxy," they are tried in the order in which they are specified. However, if the transport tries the UDP proxy, the settings for the subsequent proxies are ignored.
If the destination domain can be resolved, behaves like when domain is specified. If it cannot be resolved, behaves like when proxy is specified.

The following shows the example. If the destination determined in accordance with the routing rule of RFC 3261, the message is sent to that destination. If not, the message is sent to ""

   <default-proxy host="" port="5060" transport="udp"/>
   <!-- Other proxy tags can be added. -->

Settings for Incoming-Call Regulation

To enable incoming-call regulation, set <income-call> (For details on incoming-call regulation, see Blockage Function). The <income-call> tag has the following three tags. Settings for these tags are required at all times.

Sets the policy for incoming-call regulation. Specify "session-rate" for regulation by session generation rate, and "queue-length" for regulation by queue length.
Sets the threshold to exercise incoming-call regulation. For regulation by session generation rate, specify the number of sessions generated per second, and for regulation by queue length, specify the length of the message resident in the execution queue.
Sets the threshold to terminate the incoming-call regulation. The value to be set is the same as the one set for "threshold-value".

The "session generation rate" and "queue length" cannot be monitored at the same time.

Here is an example setting in the sipserver.xml. It is configured to trigger the regulation at 50 sessions/sec and terminate the regulation at 40 sessions/sec.


Setting Up a Load Balancer

If the SSE is to be operated with a load balancer, configure the <loadbalancer> tag. The <loadbalancer> tag has the following two attributes.

Sets the host or IP address on which load balancer runs.
Sets the flag to indicate whether the setting is valid. If true is specified, the setting of the load balancer is valid.

The port of the load balancer is set by <port-info> tag. The <port-info> tag has the following two attributes.

Sets the connection port number for the load balancer.
Sets the transport name used by the load balancer. The possible values are "tcp" and "udp."

The following is a configuration when the load balancer runs on the host having an address of and UDP port number of 6080.

 <loadbalancer host="" enable="true">
   <port-info port="6080" transport="udp"/>

Setting Up a Connector

A connector is a component to convert the SIP message received using TCP or UDP to the recognizable format for the SIP Servlet Container. A connector is specified with the <connector> tag. The <connector> tag has the following four attributes. You can configure multiple connectors.

Specify a host name or an IP address to activate the connector. If this attribute is not set explicitly, the address is set in accordance to the network channel function.
Specify the port number the connector uses to receive the SIP messages. This attribute is required.
Specify the transport type the connector uses to receive the SIP messages. The possible values are "tcp" and "udp." This attribute is required.
It sets up whether a setup of load balancer is applied. When applying true is set up. When not setting up this attribute, a setup of load balancer is not applied.
Specify the class name which implements the connector. You must specify com.oki.sip.bea.wls81.connector.WLSConnector in SIP Servlet Engine 3.0.

The execute queue provided by WebLogic Server is used to handle the SIP messages received by the connector. This execute queue is specified with the <thread-pool-name>. During installation, the execute queue "sip.transport.Default" is configured to be used. The setting of the execute queue is contained in the config.xml.

<connection-timeout> specifies the time in seconds which the connector that uses TCP will keep the connection while the connection is established. During installation, this value is set to 60 seconds.

The following shows the settings configured during installation. The connector which uses both TCP and UDP is configured to receive the SIP TCP messages and the SIP UDP messages through the port 5060 and 5060, respectively.

   <connector port="5060"
   <connector port="5060"

Last Modified:Mon Jan 17 17:05:31 JST 2005