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JMX Function


Each managed resource in SIP Servlet Engine includes a set of attributes that can be configured and monitored for management purposes. Some managed resources provide additional methods (operations) that can be used for management purposes. The JMX services expose these management attributes and operations through one or more managed beans (MBeans). An MBean is a concrete Java class that is developed in accordance with JMX specifications. It can provide getter and setter operations for each management attribute within a managed resource along with additional management operations that the resource makes available.

List of MBeans

MBeans that expose attributes and operations for configuring a managed resource are called Configuration MBeans while MBeans that provide information about the runtime state of a managed resource are called Runtime MBeans.

When you separate an administration server instance from managed servers instances, register the MBeans managed at the domain level in the MBean Server on the administration server and the MBeans managed at the server level in the local MBean Server on each managed server, respectively.

The following table shows the MBeans related to each WebLogic Administrator Console screen.

Related Screens Related Tabs MBean Config Runtime Domain Server
SIP Extension Version ServerConfigModule O O
(No Screen) DomainConfigModule O O
SIP Server Filters FilterManager O O
Regulations CallRegulateManager O O
CallRegulateRuntime O O
Transports ConnectorManager O O
Connector O O
Logging Log4jManager O O
Monitoring SessionRuntimeModule O O
TrafficInformationRuntime O O
License LicenseComponentEngine O O
LicenseComponentUsers O O
LicenseComponentRegistrar O O
Deployments SIP Application Modules ContextConfigModule O O
ContextLocalConfigModule O O
ContextRuntime O O
ApTrafficInformationRuntime O O
SIP Services Proxy ProxyManager O O
ProxyLocalManager O O
Load Balancer LoadBalancerManager O O
LoadBalancerLocalManager O O

Server Configuration (ServerConfigModule)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_ServerConfigModule
(Example: mydomain_myserver_ServerConfigModule)
Type ServerConfigModule
ServerConfig Server name (Example: myserver)
Java Class
SIP AP Server
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Version Version information java.lang.String R Oki SIP Servlet Engine 1.0
Platform Platform name java.lang.String R WebLogicServer
Changed Whether to change configuration file (need to restart server) boolean R/W true: Needs to be restarted
false: Does not need to be restarted
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
storeConfig Store configuration (sipserver.xml) Void N/A N/A

Domain Configuration (DomainConfigModule)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Name Domain name_DomainConfigModule
(Example: mydomain_DomainConfigModule)
Type DomainConfigModule
Java Class
SIP AP Server Domain
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
storeConfig Store configuration (sipserver.xml) Void N/A N/A

Filter Configuration (FilterManager)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_FilterManager
(Example: mydomain_myserver_FilterManager)
Type FilterManager
Java Class
Sip Server Filter
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
FilterList Policy list java.util.List R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
addFilter Add filter (reflected dynamically) void classname (filter class name) java.lang.String
params (filter parameter) com.oki.sip.util.StringHolder
removeFilter Remove filter (reflected dynamically) void classname (filter class name) java.lang.String

Incoming-Call Regulation Configuration (CallRegulateManager)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_CallRegulateManager
(Example: mydomain_myserver_CallRegulateManager)
Type CallRegulateManager
Java Class
Sip Server Call Regulate Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
RegulateType Type of regulated object (reflected dynamically) int R/W None (0)
Session Count (1)
Queue Length (2)
Threshold Threshold that triggers regulation (reflected dynamically) int R/W 50
ReleaseValue Threshold that terminates regulation (reflected dynamically) int R/W 40
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

Incoming-Call Regulation Runtime (CallRegulateRuntime)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_CallRegulateRuntime
(Example: mydomain_myserver_CallRegulateRuntime)
Type CallRegulateRuntime
Java Class
Sip Server Call Regulate Runtime
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
CurrentValue Current request count int R 20
RejectRequests Cumulative count of rejected requests int R 10
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

Connector Management Configuration (ConnectorManager)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_ConnectorManager
(Example: mydomain_myserver_ConnectorManager)
Type ConnectorManager
Java Class
SIP Transport Connector Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
addConnector Add connector (reflected dynamically) void classname java.lang.String
params com.oki.sip.engine.connector.Connector.Params

Connector Configuration (Connector)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_Transport type_IP address_Port number_Connector
(Example: mydomain_myserver_tcp_172.28.213.101_5060_Connector)
Type Connector
Java Class
SIP Transport Connector
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Transport Transport java.lang.String R Tcp
Host IP address java.lang.String R
Port Port number int R 5060
Running Operation status flag boolean R TRUE
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
start Startup void N/A N/A
restart Restart void N/A N/A
stop Stop void N/A N/A
terminate Terminate (remove) void N/A N/A

Log Management Configuration (Log4jManager)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_Log4jManager
(Example: mydomain_myserver_Log4jManager)
Type Log4jManager
Java Class
Sip Server Log4j Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
ConfigFilename LOG4J configuration file name java.lang.String R
EngineLogFilename Engine log file name (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W sip-engine.log
AppLogFilename Application log file name (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W sip-application.log
AccessLogFilename Access log file name (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W sip-access.log
EngineMaxFileSize Maximum engine log file size (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W 3000KB
AppMaxFileSize Maximum application log file size (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W 3000KB
AccessMaxFileSize Maximum access log file size (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W 3000KB
EngineMaxBackupIndex Number of engine log backup files (reflected dynamically) int R/W 10000
AppMaxBackupIndex Number of application log backup files (reflected dynamically) int R/W 10000
AccessMaxBackupIndex Number of access log backup files (reflected dynamically) int R/W 10000
EngineLogLevel Engine log output level (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W Advanced/Standard/Minimum
AppLogLevel Application log output level (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W Advanced/Standard/Minimum
AccessLogLevel SIP access log output level (reflected dynamically) java.lang.String R/W Advanced/Standard/Minimum
* Application log output level and SIP access log output level are INFO level regardless of the values specified here.
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
storeConfig Set Log4j void N/A N/A

Session Runtime (SessionRuntimeModule)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_SessionRuntimeModule
(Example: mydomain_myserver_SessionRuntimeModule)
Type SessionRuntimeModule
Java Class
SIP Session Runtime Component
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
ApSessionCount Current AP session count int R 30000
ApSessionSwappedCount Number of current AP sessions swapped out int R 300
ApTotalCount Cumulative number of AP sessions that have been created since a certain point long R 100000000
SipSessionCount Current SIP session count int R 3000
SipTotalCount Cumulative number of SIP sessions that have been created since a certain point int R 1000000
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

SSE Traffic Information Runtime (TrafficInformationRuntime)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_TrafficInformationRuntime
(Example: mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime)
Type TrafficInformationRuntime
Java Class
Sip Traffic Information Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
InviteIn Received INVITE count (including those retransmitted) long R 100000
InviteOut Sent INVITE count (including those retransmitted) long R 100000
AckIn Received ACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 50000
AckOut Sent ACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 50000
ByeIn Received BYE count (including those retransmitted) long R 25000
ByeOut Sent BYE count (including those retransmitted) long R 25000
CancelIn Received CANCEL count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
CancelOut Sent CANCEL count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
OptionsIn Received OPTIONS count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
OptionsOut Sent OPTIONS count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
RegisterIn Received REGISTER count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
RegisterOut Sent REGISTER count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
InfoIn Received INFO count (including those retransmitted) long R 2000
InfoOut Sent INFO count (including those retransmitted) long R 2000
MessageIn Received MESSAGE count (including those retransmitted) long R 10000
MessageOut Sent MESSAGE count (including those retransmitted) long R 10000
PrackIn Received PRACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 100
PrackOut Sent PRACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 100
SubscribeIn Received SUBSCRIBE count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
SubscribeOut Sent SUBSCRIBE count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
NotifyIn Received NOTIFY count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
NotifyOut Sent NOTIFY count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
InformationalResIn Received 1xx response count (including those retransmitted) (provisional response) long R 10000
InformationalResOut Sent 1xx response count (including those retransmitted) (provisional response) long R 10000
SuccessResIn Received 2xx response count (including those retransmitted) (success response) long R 10000
SuccessResOut Sent 2xx response count (including those retransmitted) (success response) long R 10000
RedirectResIn Received 3xx response count (including those retransmitted) (redirect response) long R 10000
RedirectResOut Sent 3xx response count (including those retransmitted) (redirect response) long R 10000
ClientErrorResIn Received 4xx response count (including those retransmitted) (request error response) long R 100
ClientErrorResOut Sent 4xx response count (including those retransmitted) (request error response) long R 100
ServerErrorResIn Received 5xx response count (including those retransmitted) (server error response) long R 100
ServerErrorResOut Sent 5xx response count (including those retransmitted) (server error response) long R 100
GlobalFailureResIn Received 6xx response count (including those retransmitted) (global failure response) long R 100
GlobalFailureResOut Sent 6xx response count (including those retransmitted) (global failure response) long R 100
UnknownErrorResIn Received count of responses other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6XX (including those retransmitted) long R 10
UnknownErrorResOut Sent count of responses other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6XX (including those retransmitted) long R 10
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
reset Clear traffic counter void N/A N/A

License (Engine) (LicenseComponentEngine)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_LicenseComponentEngine
(Example: mydomain_myserver_LicenseComponentEngine)
Type LicenseComponentEngine
Java Class
License Component Engine
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
IpAddress IP address condition java.lang.String R Any
Expiration License expiration date long R 1.26227E+12
MaxSessions Maximum session restriction long R 10000
LicenseType License type com.oki.sip.license.LicenseType R Evaluation/Develop/Service/Backup
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

License (Users) (LicenseComponentUsers)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_LicenseComponentUsers
(Example: mydomain_myserver_LicenseComponentUsers)
Type LicenseComponentUsers
Java Class
License Component Users
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
MaxUsers Maximum user count limitation long R 10000
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

License (Registrar) (LicenseComponentRegistrar)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_LicenseComponentRegistrar
(Example: mydomain_myserver_LicenseComponentRegistrar)
Type LicenseComponentRegistrar
Java Class
License Component Registrar
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
MaxRegisters Concurrent register/user count limitation long R 100
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

SIP Application Configuration (ContextConfigModule)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Name Domain name_Application context name_ContextConfigModule
(Example: mydomain_sip-demo_ContextConfigModule)
Type ContextConfigModule
SipApplication Application context name (Example: sip-demo)
Java Class
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Name Context name java.lang.String R sip-demo
MaxApplicationSessionCount Maximum SIP application session count (reflected dynamically) int R/W 100
SessionTimeout Session timeout (retrieved from sip.xml) int R 10
AppType Application type (ear, war, archived or not) int R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
storeAppConfig Store configuration (sse.xml) void N/A N/A

SIP Application Local Configuration (ContextLocalConfigModule)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_Application context name_ContextLocalConfigModule
(Example: mydomain_myserver_sip-demo_ContextLocalConfigModule)
Type ContextLocalConfigModule
SipApplication Application context name (Example: sip-demo)
Java Class
Local Context
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
Name Context name java.lang.String R sip-demo
MaxApplicationSessionCount Maximum SIP application session count (reflected dynamically) int R/W 100
SessionTimeout Session timeout (retrieved from sip.xml) int R 10
AppType Application type (ear, war, archived or not) int R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
storeAppConfig Store configuration (sse.xml) void N/A N/A

SIP Application Runtime (ContextRuntimeMBean)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_Application context name_ContextRuntime
(Example: mydomain_myserver_sip-demo_ContextRuntime)
Type ContextRuntime
SipApplication Application context name (Example: sip-demo)
Java Class
Context Runtime
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
ApplicationSessionCount Current SIP application session count int R 10
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type

AP Traffic Information Runtime

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name_Server name_Application context name_ApTrafficInformationRuntime
(Example: mydomain_myserver_sip-demo_ApTrafficInformationRuntime)
Type ApTrafficInformationRuntime
SipApplication Application context name (Example: sip-demo)
Java Class
Sip Application Traffic Information Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
InviteIn Received INVITE count (including those retransmitted) long R 100000
InviteOut Sent INVITE count (including those retransmitted) long R 100000
AckIn Received ACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 50000
AckOut Sent ACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 50000
ByeIn Received BYE count (including those retransmitted) long R 25000
ByeOut Sent BYE count (including those retransmitted) long R 25000
CancelIn Received CANCEL count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
CancelOut Sent CANCEL count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
OptionsIn Received OPTIONS count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
OptionsOut Sent OPTIONS count (including those retransmitted) long R 5
RegisterIn Received REGISTER count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
RegisterOut Sent REGISTER count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
InfoIn Received INFO count (including those retransmitted) long R 2000
InfoOut Sent INFO count (including those retransmitted) long R 2000
MessageIn Received MESSAGE count (including those retransmitted) long R 10000
MessageOut Sent MESSAGE count (including those retransmitted) long R 10000
PrackIn Received PRACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 100
PrackOut Sent PRACK count (including those retransmitted) long R 100
SubscribeIn Received SUBSCRIBE count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
SubscribeOut Sent SUBSCRIBE count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
NotifyIn Received NOTIFY count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
NotifyOut Sent NOTIFY count (including those retransmitted) long R 1000
InformationalResIn Received 1xx response count (including those retransmitted) (provisional response) long R 10000
InformationalResOut Sent 1xx response count (including those retransmitted) (provisional response) long R 10000
SuccessResIn Received 2xx response count (including those retransmitted) (success response) long R 10000
SuccessResOut Sent 2xx response count (including those retransmitted) (success response) long R 10000
RedirectResIn Received 3xx response count (including those retransmitted) (redirect response) long R 10000
RedirectResOut Sent 3xx response count (including those retransmitted) (redirect response) long R 10000
ClientErrorResIn Received 4xx response count (including those retransmitted) (request error response) long R 100
ClientErrorResOut Sent 4xx response count (including those retransmitted) (request error response) long R 100
ServerErrorResIn Received 5xx response count (including those retransmitted) (server error response) long R 100
ServerErrorResOut Sent 5xx response count (including those retransmitted) (server error response) long R 100
GlobalFailureResIn Received 6xx response count (including those retransmitted) (global failure response) long R 100
GlobalFailureResOut Sent 6xx response count (including those retransmitted) (global failure response) long R 100
UnknownErrorResIn Received count of responses other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6XX (including those retransmitted) long R 10
UnknownErrorResOut Sent count of responses other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6XX (including those retransmitted) long R 10
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
reset Clear traffic counter void N/A N/A

Proxy Management Configuration (ProxyManagerMBean)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Name Domain name + Manager (Example: mydomainManager)
Type ProxyManager
Java Class
Proxy Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
PolicyList Policy list (reflected when restarted) java.util.List R/W
Proxies Downstream proxy list at transfer destination java.util.List R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
addProxy Add proxy URL (reflected when restarted) void uri (proxy URI) javax.servlet.sip.SipURI
removeProxy Remove proxy URL (reflected when restarted) void uri (proxy URI) javax.servlet.sip.SipURI

Proxy Management Local Configuration (ProxyLocalManagerMBean)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name + Manager (Example: mydomainManager)
Type ProxyLocalManager
Java Class
Proxy Local Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
PolicyList Policy list (reflected when restarted) java.util.List R/W
Proxies Downstream proxy list at transfer destination java.util.List R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
addProxy Add proxy URL (reflected when restarted) void uri (proxy URI) javax.servlet.sip.SipURI
removeProxy Remove proxy URL (reflected when restarted) void uri (proxy URI) javax.servlet.sip.SipURI

Load Balancer Management Configuration (LoadBalancerManagerMBean)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Name Domain name + Manager (Example: mydomainManager)
Type LoadBalancerManager
Java Class
Sip Server LoadBalancer Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
LoadBalancerList Load balancer list java.util.List R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
setLoadBalancer Set load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo
addLoadBalancer Add load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo
removeLoadBalancer Remove load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo

Load Balancer Management Local Configuration (LoadBalancerLocalManagerMBean)

Domain WebLogic domain name (Example: mydomain)
Location Server name (Example: myserver)
Name Domain name + Manager (Example: mydomainManager)
Type LoadBalancerLocalManager
Java Class
Sip Server LoadBalancer Manager
Attribute Name Description Data Type Access Value (Example)
LoadBalancerList Load balancer list java.util.List R
Operation Name Description Return Value Parameter Type
setLoadBalancer Set load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo
addLoadBalancer Add load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo
removeLoadBalancer Remove load balancer (reflected when restarted) void info (load balancer information) com.oki.sip.engine.LoadBalancerInfo

MBean Operation from Command Line

To operate MBeans from the command line, use wlshell.
For more information about wlshell, see the following site.

Here is an example to access the MBean through wlshell.
This example gets the InviteIn attribute (received INVITE count) in the TrafficInformationRuntime (Traffic Information MBean) and then performs the reset operation (clear traffic counter) in the same MBean.


 wlsh [not connected]>connect username password
 wlsh mydomain:/>cd /TrafficInformationRuntime/mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime
 wlsh mydomain:TrafficInformationRuntime/mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime>get InviteIn

 wlsh mydomain:TrafficInformationRuntime/mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime> invoke -v reset
 invoking mydomain:/TrafficInformationRuntime/mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime/reset()...done
 (this operation doesn't return any value) null

 wlsh mydomain:/TrafficInformationRuntime/mydomain_myserver_TrafficInformationRuntime> exit


Last Modified:Wed Jan 12 23:16:49 JST 2005