SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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SIP Server --> Logging --> Server


The SIP Server --> Logging --> Server tab configures a server's local message log. Use this tab to specify the name of the log file and any log file rotation criteria.

The server message log does not contain a receiving and sending log of SIP messages. Instead, you can configure a separate log file for SIP messages.


Attribute Label Description Value Constraints
Server Log File Name The name of the file that stores the SIP Servlet Engine server execute log.
This path is relative to the root directory of the machine on which this server is running.

MBean: Log4jManagerMBean
Attribute: EngineLogFilename
Default Value: logs/sip-engine.log
Maximum Server Log File Size The size (100 - 99999 KB) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file.
After the log file reaches the specified size, the next time the server checks the file size, it will rename the current log file as FileName.n and create a new one to store subsequent messages.

MBean: Log4jManagerMBean
Attribute: EngineMaxFileSize
Units: KB
Minimum: 100
Maximum: 99999
Default Value: 3000
Maximum Backups of Server Log File Specifies the number of files (1 - 99999) that this SIP Servlet Engine creates to store old messages. After the server reaches this limit, it overwrites the oldest file.

MBean: Log4jManagerMBean
Attribute: EngineMaxBackupIndex
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 99999
Default Value: 100
Server Log Output Level The minimum severity of a message that the server sends to a log file.
The ascending order of severities is as follows:

Detailed (DEBUG). Detailed information about the operation of an application or the server including debug information is printed out.

Standard (INFO). Used for reporting normal operations.

Minimum (ERROR). Indicates that a user error has occurred. The system or application is able to handle the error with no interruption, and limited degradation, of service.

MBean: Log4jManagerMBean
Attribute: EngineLogLevel
"Detailed", "Standard, "Minimum"
Default Value: Standard

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Last Modified:Tue Dec 21 23:28:36 JST 2004