SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
  Top >   System Administration >   Configuration >   SIP Server --> Monitoring --> SIP Information

SIP Server --> Monitoring --> SIP Information


The SIP Server --> Monitoring --> SIP Information tab provides statistics on SIP messages on the server. It also provides the total count of SIP requests rejected by SIP Servlet Engine according to incoming-call regulation.


Attribute Label Description Value Constraints
Total Count of Managed SIP Application Sessions The total current number of SIP application sessions managed on this SIP Servlet Engine server.

MBean: SessionRuntimeModuleMBean
Attribute: ApSessionCount
Total Count of Swapped Out SIP Application Sessions The total number of SIP application sessions that have been swapped out to a file (because they retained in memory for a long time) among all the SIP application sessions managed on this SIP Servlet Engine server.

MBean: SessionRuntimeModuleMBean
Attribute: ApSessionSwappedCount
Total Count of SIP Application Sessions The cumulative number of SIP application sessions that have been generated on this SIP Servlet Engine server since its startup.

MBean: SessionRuntimeModuleMBean
Attribute: ApTotalCount
Total Count of Managed SIP Sessions The total number of SIP sessions managed on this SIP Servlet Engine server.

MBean: SessionRuntimeModuleMBean
Attribute: SipSessionCount
Total Count of SIP Sessions The cumulative number of SIP sessions that have been generated on this SIP Servlet Engine server since its startup.

MBean: SessionRuntimeModuleMBean
Attribute: SipTotalCount
Total Count of Destroyed Requests The cumulative number of requests that have been destroyed according to incoming-call regulation on this SIP Servlet Engine server since its startup.

MBean: CallRegulateRuntimeMBean
Attribute: RejectRequests

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Last Modified:Wed Dec 22 10:16:57 JST 2004