SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
  Top >   System Administration >   Configuration >   SIP Server --> Transports --> SIP

SIP Server --> Transports --> SIP


Use the SIP Server --> Transports --> SIP tab to define the transport on which this SIP server listens for SIP messages.


Attribute Label Description Value Constraints
Transport Type Specifies the type of the transport on which this server listens for SIP messages.
"TLS" is not supported.

MBean: ConnectorMBean
Attribute: Transport
Interface Address Specifies the IP address of the NIC that this server uses to receive and send SIP messages.

MBean: ConnectorMBean
Attribute: Host
IP address
Port number Specifies the port number that this server uses to receive and send SIP messages.

MBean: ConnectorMBean
Attribute: Port
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 65535
Suggested Value: 5060
Enabled upon Startup Specifies whether this SIP transport is enabled or not at this server startup. "true", "false"
Default: "false"
Right or wrong of use of load balancer It is specified whether this SIP transport communicates by load balancer.
When load balancer is invalid, this setting is disregarded.
default: "disable"

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Last Modified:Tue Jan 18 20:03:12 JST 2005