SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
  Top >   System Management >   Configuration >   SIP Services > Configuration > Proxy

SIP Services > Configuration > Proxy


In the SIP Services --> Configuration --> Proxy tab, you can configure the settings for SIP message forwarding policy of the SIP server in the domain as well as the associated external SIP server.


Attribute Label Description Constraints
Forwarding Policy for SIP Message Specify one of the following three types of policies.

Send to host or domain specified in Request-URI. (domain)

Send to the specified downstream proxy. (proxy)

Send to the specified downstream proxy when sending to host or domain specified in Request-URI has failed. (domain,proxy)
Downstream Proxy The server information of the destination of proxy of the SIP message by SIP Servlet Engine when the forwarding destination is "proxy" or "domain,proxy".

Downstream proxy: FQDN or IP address of the destination host

Port number: SIP listen port (1 - 65535) of the destination host. Normally, 5060 is used.

Transport type: the protocol type of the SIP listen port of the destination host. Specify "tcp" or "udp".

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Last Modified:Fri Dec 24 21:15:20 JST 2004