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Installing BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE


This topic describes how to install BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on UNIX and Windows NT systems. It covers the following main sections:


Installing on a UNIX System

Installing eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on UNIX systems requires the three main steps:

Creating the conr3 User

A UNIX user with non-administrative privileges should be created on the R/3 application server to provide a context in which to run both eLink Platform (TUXEDO) and BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE. This user should be used to run TUXEDO and BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE only so that processes associated with TUXEDO and BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE can be identified easily.

BEA suggests that you use conr3 for the user name. This document refers to this UNIX user as conr3. If your organization uses a different user name, then substitute your user name whenever you encounter a reference to conr3 in this document.

Note: BEA strongly recommends that you do not use the UNIX R/3 administration user (nnnadm, where nnn represents the R/3 system identifier) to run TUXEDO and BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE.

Logging In as con3

After creating the conr3 user name, log in as that user.


Run the script to install the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3:

  1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

    If your system is not already configured to access data from a CD-ROM directory, you will need to create a mount directory (for example, mkdir /cdrom) and mount the CD-ROM device (with the mount command).

    Change directories to your CD-ROM directory using the following command:

    cd /cdrom 

  2. Type ls to view the contents of the CD.

    The CD should contain the following files and directories:

    ALPHA/   HP/   IBM/   SUN5X/   WINNT/

  3. Start the installation by typing the following at the command line prompt:

    sh ./

    Press Enter.

    This invokes the installation script.

    The UNIX system installation script provides a set of step-by-step instructions to help you quickly install the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3. This script lets you specify your platform, operating system, and the directory where you want to install. The installation script prompts you through the entire installation process. You can cancel the installation at any time by pressing CTRL-C simultaneously.

  4. Type the number that corresponds to the name of the operating system you are using (for example, if using HPUX1020, type 2).

    01) ALPHA/DUX40    02) HP/HPUX1020      03) HP/HPUX1100   
    04) IBM/AIX431 05) SUN5X/SOL26 06) SUN5X/SOL27

    Install which platform's files? [01-  6, q to quit, l for list]: 2

    Press Enter.

  5. You are prompted to confirm your choice. If correct, type y for "yes," or n for "no" or q to "quit." Press Enter.

    ** You have chosen to install from HP/HPUX1020 **

    BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE Release 1.6

    This directory contains the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE for

    HP-UX 10.20 on 9000/800 series.

    Is this correct? [y,n,q]: y

    To terminate the installation at any time press the interupt key. typically <del>, <break>, or <ctrl+c>.

  6. The script indicates which packages are available for the chosen operating system. Indicate which package to install and press Enter.

    The following packages are available:

    1  eLinkR3ALE  BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE

    Select the package(s) you wish to install (or 'all' to install

    all packages) (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1

    The following copyright information is displayed about the product you are about to install:

    BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE Release BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE Release 1.6

    Copyright (c) 2000 BEA Systems, Inc.

    All Rights Reserved.

    Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.

    BEA and eLink are trademarks of BEA Systems, Inc.

  7. You are prompted for the directory location where you want to install the product. Type the install directory and press Enter.

    Note: It is recommended that you install BEA eLink Adapter for R3 under a directory named eLink. The host machine where you install and the prefix path to the eLink directory is up to you. For this example, we install on /home/miller/elink/.

    Directory where eLink files are to be installed [?,q]: /home/miller/elink

  8. Watch the screen messages to verify that the installation is successful. The messages will be similar to the following.

    Creating /home/miller/elink

    Using /home/miller/elink as the eLink base directory

    Creating /home/miller/elink/adapters

    Creating /home/miller/elink/adapters/sapr3_ale

    Determining if sufficient space is available ...

    5320 blocks are required

    720596 blocks are available to /home/miller/elink/adapters/sapr3_ale

    Using /home/miller/elink/adapters/sapr3_ale

    as the eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE install directory

    Unloading /cdrom/HP/HPUX1020/ELINKR3/ELINKR3.Z ...












    5320 blocks

    ... finished

    Installation of BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE was successful

    The following packages are available:

      1  eLinkR3ALE  BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE

  9. When the installation completes successfully, exit the install script. (Or proceed with another installation, as appropriate.)

    Select the package(s) you wish to install (or 'all' to install

    all packages) (default: all) [?,??,q]: q

    Please don't forget to fill out and send in your registration card #

Table 4-1 describes the files and directories that are installed for BEA eLink Adapter for R3 on a UNIX system.

Table 4-1 Directory Structure of BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on a UNIX System

File or Directory Name



eLink-to-R/3 executable


R/3-to-eLink executable


TID manager executable


Semi-configured script for creating the TUXEDO queue space and queues


Semi-configured script for creating the TUXEDO tlog file


Semi-configured setup file for generic eLink for R/3 environment variables


Environment file for eLink-to-R/3


Environment file for R/3-to-eLink


TUXEDO UBB configuration file


CR3 FML field table


Example R/3 sideinfo file


Installing on a Windows NT System

The BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 product install program for the Windows NT platform is located in the winnt\setup.exe file on the CD-ROM.

To install the product, insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and double click on the winnt\setup.exe file to launch the installation wizard.

When the installation program launches, follow the prompts shown in the windows as described.

  1. The Welcome window describes the product you are about to install. Click Next to continue (or click Cancel to cancel the installation process).

    Figure 4-1 Welcome to BEA eLink Adapter for R3 Setup Program

  2. In order to proceed with the installation, you must accept the license agreement. Click Yes to accept (or click No to cancel the installation process).

    Figure 4-2 License Agreement

  3. After you accept the license agreement, the User Information window is displayed. Provide the requested information, and click Next to continue (or Back to return to a previous window).

    Figure 4-3 Provide User Information

  4. The path shown for the "Destination Folder" on the Choose Destination Location window is the location where the BEA eLink product(s) will be installed. The default Destination Folder is YourDrive:\eLink\ as shown in Figure 4-4. To accept the default, click Next to continue. Otherwise, use the file browser to choose a different destination folder as explained below.

    Figure 4-4 Choose Directory Location for Product Installation

If you want to install the BEA eLink product in a folder other than the default, click the Browse button to get the file browser. Use the file browser to locate the directory in which you want to install the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE and click OK to specify this new path name as the Destination Folder.

Note: It is recommended that you install BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE under a directory named eLink. The host machine where you install and the prefix path to the eLink directory is up to you. For this example, we install on C:\eLink\. Installing on C:\eLink\ actually installs the configuration files to the C:\eLink\adapters\sapr3_ale\config directory and the executable files and dynamic link library to the C:\eLink\adapters\sapr3_ale\bin directory.

Figure 4-5 File Browser for Choosing an Install Location

If you do change the Destination Folder to something other than the default, you should now see the new path name reflected in the Choose Folder window.

  1. Select the program folder where you want to store the startup icon for BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE. The default folder is already chosen for you. If you want to choose a different folder, do so. Click Next to continue (or Back to return to a previous window).

    Figure 4-6 Select a Program Folder

  2. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click Next to proceed with the installation. (Otherwise, click Back to return to a previous window.)

    Figure 4-7 Current Settings

  3. When all files have been successfully copied to the destination folders, the Setup Complete window is displayed. Click Finish to exit the installation.

    Figure 4-8 Setup Complete

Table 4-2 describes the files and folders that are installed for BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on a Windows NT system.

Table 4-2 Directory Structure of BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on Windows NT

File or Folder Name



Directory containing executables


eLink-to-R/3 executable


R/3-to-eLink executable


TID manager executable


R/3 RFC Dynamic Link Library


Directory containing configuration files


Semi-configured makefile for creating TUXEDO queue space and queues


Semi-configured makefile for creating the TLOG file


Semi-configured setup file for generic eLink for R3 environment variables


Environment file for eLink-to-R/3


Environment file for R/3-to-eLink


TUXEDO UBB configuration file


CR3 FML field table


Example R/3 sideinfo file