BEA Logo BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE Release 1.6

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Preinstallation Tasks


This topic describes important information that you need to review before installing BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE. It includes the following main sections:


Determining the Installation Node

Where you install eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE depends on the node configuration:

BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE interacts with R/3 using the SAP RFC library. The RFC library uses IP sockets to communicate with the R/3 application servers. Installing BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE on an R/3 application server node minimizes the risk of failure in this IP socket connection. If BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE is installed on an R/3 application server node, it is recommended that no other TUXEDO applications run on that same node, in order to reduce the workload on the node.

However, BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE can be installed on a node other than an R/3 application server. In this situation, the IP socket connection will transparently extend across the network to the R/3 application server.


eLink Platform (TUXEDO) Requirements

BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE requires that you properly install and configure eLink Platform: