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Configuration Quick Reference


This section provides system administrators with a quick reference for getting the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE up and running quickly. It provides a step-by-step, chronological summary of the entire configuration process for UNIX and Windows NT. It includes the following main sections:


Configuration Quick Reference for UNIX

Perform the following steps when configuring your BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE:

  1. Copy the following files from

    <installation directory>/adapters/sapr3_ale/config


    <installation directory>/adapters/sapr3_ale/bin:

    Note: <installation directory> is whatever path that you specified during installation of the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE.

  2. Edit these files as appropriate to match the settings in your environment. The following are guidelines for editing these files:

  3. Set your environment variables by running from the UNIX prompt as follows:


    Make sure that you are in the bin directory, the directory containing the edited versions of the configuration files from Step 2.

  4. Generate your eLink Platform configuration file (tuxconf) from cr3_ale.ubb using the following command:

    > tmloadcf cr3_ale.ubb

  5. Generate your transaction log (TLOG) file by running from the UNIX prompt as follows:


  6. Generate your queue spaces and queues by running from the UNIX prompt as follows:


  7. Start the eLink Platform with the following command:

    > tmboot -y

  8. If you need to change your configuration, repeat Step 2 (editing the configuration files only as necessary to implement the configuration change you want to make), shutdown the eLink Platform servers, then perform Steps 3 through 7. Shutdown the eLink Platform servers by performing the following series of commands:

    1. Shutdown all R/3-to-eLink (outbound) servers with the following command:

      > tmshutdown -i ServerID -k KILL

      where ServerID is the unique ID of the R/3-to-eLink server. This would be whatever is set as the SRVID parameter for all cr3aleout servers in cr3_ale.ubb. In the sample cr3_ale.ubb listed in Sample Configuration Files, the ServerID value is "4."

    2. Shutdown the remaining eLink Platform servers with the command:

      > tmshutdown -y

    3. Repeat the command to make sure that all of the eLink Platform servers are shut down:

      > tmshutdown -y


Configuration Quick Reference for Windows NT

Perform the following steps when configuring your BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE:

  1. Copy the following files from

    <installation directory>\adapters\sapr3_ale\config


    <installation directory>\adapters\sapr3_ale\bin:


    Note: The <installation directory> is whatever path that you specified during installation of the BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE. The path C:\eLink was used in the Installing BEA eLink Adapter for R/3 ALE, examples.

  2. Edit these files as appropriate to match the settings in your environment. The following are guidelines for editing these files:

  3. Set your environment variables by running setenv_ale.bat from the Command prompt as follows:

    > setenv_ale.bat

    Make sure that you are in the bin directory, the directory containing the edited versions of the configuration files from Step 2.

  4. Generate your eLink Platform configuration file (tuxconf) from cr3_ale.ubb using the following command:

    > tmloadcf cr3_ale.ubb

  5. Generate your transaction log (TLOG) file by running cr3_tlog.nt from the DOS prompt as follows:

    > nmake -f cr3_tlog.nt

  6. Generate your queue spaces and queues by running cr3_queues.nt from the DOS prompt as follows:

    > nmake -f cr3_queues.nt

  7. Start the eLink Platform with the following command:

    > tmboot -y

  8. If you need to change your configuration, repeat Step 2 (editing the configuration files only as necessary to implement the configuration change you want to make), shutdown the eLink Platform servers, then perform Steps 3 through 7. Shutdown the eLink Platform servers by performing the following series of commands:

    1. Shutdown all R/3-to-eLink (outbound) servers with the following command:

      > tmshutdown -i ServerID -k KILL

      where ServerID is the unique ID of the R/3-to-eLink server. This would be whatever is set as the SRVID parameter for all cr3aleout servers in cr3_ale.ubb. In the sample cr3_ale.ubb listed in Sample Configuration Files, the ServerID value is "4."

    2. Shutdown the remaining eLink Platform servers with the command:

      > tmshutdown -y

    3. Repeat the command to make sure that all of the eLink Platform servers are shut down:

      > tmshutdown -y