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   eLink Business Process Option Doc Home   |   BEA eLink Business Process Option Server Installation Guide   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   |   Index

Before You Begin


The following sections describe the preparatory procedures for BEA eLink Business Process Option Server installation.

These procedures are described in detail in the following sections.


Verifying System Requirements

Verify that your system meets the following hardware and software requirements.

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements


Gathering Your Installation Information

Gather the information you need to complete the installation. Use the following checklist:


Creating the UNIX User and Group

The BEA eLink Business Process Engine requires a UNIX user ID and group be available for use in installing and configuring the BEA eLink Business Process Option. The examples in this guide employ a user ID called elink and a group called elink. The command and response shown in Listing 2-1 demonstrates a method for determining user and group ids. In this example, the user ID (uid) is elink and the group ID (gid) is elink.

Listing 2-1 Command for Determining User and Group IDs



Creating the eLink Business Process Engine Home Directory

You must create the BEA eLink Business Process Engine home directory (known as IC_HOME), which is where the eLink Business Process Engine software will be installed. The examples provided in the remainder of this installation guide will use an IC_HOME of /app/elink/bpo_sw, so the example in this section will create a directory called bpo_sw in the /app/elink directory.

Note: The Business Process Engine home directory must be owned by the elink user, but must not be that user's home directory. It must also belong to the elink group.

To create the eLink Business Process Engine home directory:

  1. Identify a file system with at least 50 MB of free disk space and log in as elink.

  2. Create the eLink Business Process Engine home directory by entering:

    mkdir directory

    where directory is the name of the eLink Business Process Engine home directory. This directory cannot be the elink user's home directory.


    cd to the /app/elink directory, then enter the following command to make the IC_HOME directory:

    /app/elink> mkdir bpo_sw

  3. Use the chgrp command with the -R option to make sure that the group of the eLink Business Process Engine home directory is elink:

    chgrp -R elink directory


    /app/elink> chgrp -R elink bpo_sw

  4. Use the chmod command to change the permissions on the eLink Business Process Engine home directory to provide elink group members with read access:

    chmod 755 directory


    /app/elink> chmod 755 bpo_sw


Creating the Default Business Process Engine Repository Directory

One function of the BEA eLink Business Process Engine repository is storing the user interface data for the eLink Business Process window of the eLink Process Design Assistant. This repository is known as the document repository; and the directory for this repository must be created before installation. The elink user must have read/write access to the repository directory during installation. The examples provided in the remainder of this installation guide will use a repository directory of /app/elink/bpo_rep, so the example in this section will create a directory called bpo_rep in the /app/elink directory.

Note: Before you use the eLink Business Process Repository Server, make sure that you select the port number that the document repository server will listen on. Use the netstat command to list ports that are already in use.

To create the default Repository directory:

  1. Log in as elink.

  2. Enter the following command:

    mkdir -p directory

    where directory is the name of the eLink Business Process Engine Repository home directory. (This step creates the directory for the InConcert Document Repository.)


    cd to the /app/elink directory, then enter the following command to make the repository directory:

    /app/elink> mkdir -p bpo_rep

    Warning: Do not create the Repository directory as a subdirectory of the eLink Business Process Engine home directory. This will prevent the installation script from executing correctly.

  3. Use the chown and chgrp commands to ensure that elink is the owner of the Repository directory, as follows:

    chown -R elink directory

    chgrp -R elink directory


    /app/elink> chown -R elink bpo_rep

    /app/elink> chgrp -R elink bpo_rep

  4. Change the permissions on the Repository directory to provide only elink with read/write access:

    chmod -R 700 directory


    /app/elink> chmod -R 700 bpo_rep

  5. Add an entry to your environment login file (.kshrc) or command file (setenv) that sets your IC_HOME environment variable.



    Note: If you ever have to reinstall the Business Process Engine, it is imperative that you delete all the contents of this repository directory. If you do not, you will have problems with the PDA client later. You will not be able to log into the Process Designer and may see messages like "Local Repository Mismatch".


Configuring the Oracle Database for the eLink Business Process Engine

To run the eLink Business Process Engine, you must create an Oracle user and tablespace. In addition, you must change the Oracle configuration parameter OPEN_CURSORS.

Note: Before you install the eLink Business Process Engine, you must already have an Oracle instance installed and operating. Refer to your Oracle product documentation for information about installing the Oracle database.

Changing the OPEN_CURSORS Configuration Parameter

The BEA eLink Business Process Engine performs many SQL operations. To improve efficiency, it does not close explicit cursors between operations, thus allowing the Oracle database to keep information about the cursor in a cache. However, if you use the default setting for the OPEN_CURSORS parameter, it will result in an ORA-01000 runtime error.

To change the default setting for the OPEN_CURSORS parameter:

  1. Shut down the Oracle instance.

  2. Open the instance configuration file in a text editor.

    This file is typically found in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs, and is named initSID.ora (where SID is the Oracle system identifier for the instance).

  3. Perform a case-insensitive search for the line containing open_cursors. Although Oracle configuration parameters are not case-sensitive, they are typically specified in lowercase.

  4. Edit this line to set the value to 255. If it does not exist, create a new line as follows:

    open_cursors = 255

  5. Save your changes and exit the text editor.

  6. Restart the Oracle instance.

Creating the eLink Business Process Tablespace and Database User

The eLink Business Process Engine database user owns all tables, views, and other database objects that support the operation of the eLink Business Process Engine. The procedure described here creates the user and a tablespace needed to run the eLink Business Process Option.

Note: To create the eLink Business Process Engine database user, you must have administrator access to the Oracle instance.

This procedure is appropriate for those sites without a full-time DBA. If your site does have a DBA, the DBA should create the tablespace in order to ensure that it meets the standards set by your organization.

To create the eLink Business Process Engine tablespace and database user:

  1. Log in as the oracle user.

    This login should set the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH environment variables. If it does not, refer to your Oracle documentation for appropriate settings.

  2. Identify a file system that contains sufficient space for the eLink Business Process Engine tablespace.

    The required space depends on your expected usage of the eLink Business Process Engine. For a pilot installation, 100 MB is sufficient; for a production installation, you might want to reserve 200 MB or more. For our example, we will use the directory /local/manda/ORACLE/godzilla to store the tablespace.

  3. Run the Oracle Server Manager utility by entering:


  4. Connect to the database instance by entering:

    connect internal

  5. Create the eLink Business Process Engine tablespace.

    This example creates a 100 MB tablespace named ICDB. The default storage parameters in this database represent a trade-off between efficient storage of small tables and minimal fragmentation of large tables.

    SIZE 100 M
    INITIAL 256k
    NEXT 256
    MAXEXTENTS unlimited

  6. Create the eLink Business Process Engine user.

    This example creates the user icdbown, with the password icdbown and associates the user with the ICDB tablespace just created.

    Note: The icdbown username and password are used in examples throughout the rest of this document.

    This example also sets the user's temporary tablespace to ICDB. Many sites have a TEMP tablespace for temporary storage. Determine whether your site has a TEMP tablespace, and use it if available.

    CREATE USER icdbown
    IDENTIFIED BY icdbown

  7. Grant connection access to the eLink Business Process Engine database user.


  8. Grant access to the Oracle system view DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS.

    This step is required by the BEA eLink Platform; if omitted, you will get connection errors when attempting to start the eLink Business Process Engine.


  9. Exit the Oracle Server Manager utility.