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BEA eLink Mercator Integrator for DIO (hereafter referenced as eLink Integrator) is a component of the eLink Data Integration Option (eLink DIO) that runs with the BEA TUXEDO product as well as other BEA products.

Purpose of This Document

This document describes the BEA eLink Integrator component and gives instructions for using the tool for data mapping. This guide explains how to install and use the eLink Integrator component and how this component fits into the BEA TUXEDO environment.

Who Should Read This Document

This document is intended for system administrators who will configure and administer eLink Integrator as well as programmers who will map FML buffers to non-FML buffer types. This guide assumes knowledge of BEA TUXEDO, BEA eLink for Mainframe, TSI Mercator, and SAP R/3 products. This guide also assumes knowledge of the C programming language. In addition, programmers will find useful pointers for developing client programs and service routines that send data through eLink Integrator.

How This Document Is Organized

The BEA eLink Mercator Integrator for DIO User Guide is organized as follows:

How to Use This Document

The BEA eLink Mercator Integrator for DIO User Guide is designed primarily as a printed document; however, a PDF version of the document is available on the product CD.

Opening the Document in a Web Browser

To access the online version of this document if it is installed on a Web server, open the following HTML file:

http://(directory path to eLink Integrator documentation)/index.htm

Note: The online documentation requires a Web browser that supports HTML 3.0. Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher are recommended.

Document Conventions

The following documentation conventions are used throughout this document:

Item Examples

Variable names

Variable names represent information you must supply or output information that can change; they are intended to be replaced by actual names. Variable names are displayed in italics and can include hyphens but not underscores. The following are examples of variable names in text:


The when-return value...

User input and screen output

For screen displays and other examples of input and output, user input appears as in the first of the following lines; system output appears as in the second through fourth lines:

dir c:\accounting\data

Volume in drive C is WIN_NT_1
Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678
Directory of C:\BEADIR\DATA


Code samples can include the following elements:

Omitted code

An ellipsis ( ... ) is used in examples to indicate that code that is not pertinent to the discussion is omitted. The ellipsis can be horizontal or vertical.

Environment variables

Environment variables are formatted in an uppercase font.


Key names

Key names are presented in boldface type.

Press Enter to continue.


Literals are formatted in a monospace font.

class extendSample

Window items

Window items are presented in boldface type. Window items can be window titles, button labels, text edit box names or other parts of the window.

Type your password in the Logon window.

Select Export to make the service available to the client.

BEA eLink Data Integration Option Documentation

The eLink Data Integration Option documentation consists of the following items:

BEA Publications

The following BEA publications are also available:

Other Publications

For more information about data mapping, refer to the Mercator documentation set. In particular, refer to the following documents when using the eLink Integrator component.

Contact Information

The following sections provide information about how to obtain support for the documentation and software.

Documentation Support

If you have questions or comments on the documentation, you can contact the BEA Information Engineering Group by e-mail at (For information about how to contact Customer Support, refer to the following section.)

Customer Support

If you have any questions about this version of BEA eLink Integrator, or if you have problems installing and running BEA eLink Integrator, contact BEA Customer Support through BEA WebSupport at You can also contact Customer Support by using the contact information provided on the Customer Support Card, which is included in the product package.

When contacting Customer Support, be prepared to provide the following information: