AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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About Ensemble Pagelet Development

The following topics provide general information about Ensemble pagelet development and configuration.

  • About the IDK Proxy API: The bea.alui.proxy package supports cross-product pagelet development. The interfaces in this package provide access to information about the environment in which the pagelet is displayed and the user currently accessing the pagelet, including session preferences associated with that user. This package also includes Ensemble-specific methods to implement security and access XML payloads. For details on creating pagelets with the IDK Proxy API, see Creating a Custom Pagelet with the Java IDK Proxy API and Creating a Custom Pagelet with the .NET IDK Proxy API.
  • About Programmable Remote Client (PRC) Remote APIs: The plumtree.remote.prc package includes a collection of APIs that provide access to functionality within the ALI portal, Collaboration, Publisher, and Search Service. These APIs are supported by Ensemble and ALI portal, and can be used by any pagelet deployed in an environment with access to these applications.
  • About Ensemble Pagelet Development: Adaptive Tags are used to display contextual data and control Ensemble and ALI portal functionality from remote pagelets. Unlike the IDK, Adaptive Tags use XML in pagelet content instead of code, which avoids a network round trip. Tags can be included in the markup returned by any proxied page (HTML, JSP or ASP.Net). Using the attributes defined in the tag, the Ensemble or ALI portal gateway transforms the XML and replaces it with standard HTML and/or executes the relevant operations. The Adaptive Tag collection currently includes libraries for use in both ALI portal and Ensemble, as well as libraries that are specific to each environment. For details on Ensemble-specific tags, see Ensemble Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ensemble).
  • About the ALI Scripting Framework: The ALI Scripting Framework is a set of client-side JavaScript libraries that provide services to pagelets and proxied/gatewayed pages.
  • About Ensemble Security
For details on Ensemble pagelet configuration, see the Ensemble online help.

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