AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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About the PRC Session Object

When using IDK remote APIs. the Session object is the master object; most other portal objects must be derived from it.

A Session object is created whenever any user logs in to the ALI system through the web or a client application. All subsequent access is made in the security context of the connected user. Users in the Administrators group have superuser access. Users in Content Manager and Content Maintainer groups also have privileged access. For details on portal groups and specific privileges, see the Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.

The Session object supports the IPTSession interface, represented in the PRC by the IRemoteSession interface. The Session object is comprised of:
  • A set of Object Managers for the objects of the ALI system. An Object Manager is like a super collection. It provides advanced querying capabilities as well as create, delete, and clone methods. The Session object includes managers for almost every ALI portal, ALI Search, AL Collaboration and AL Publisher object. Managers are added as new object classes are introduced.
  • A User object representing the current user of the system.
  • A Catalog object representing the structure of the ALI catalog.
  • Version information.
  • Access to global ALI objects such as the MyPortal object, the scheduler, and global mapping objects.

Initiating a session is the first step in any implementation of the PRC. For detailed instructions, see Initiating a PRC Session to Use IDK Remote APIs.

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