AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Managing Collaboration Task Workflow Using IDK Remote APIs

To set dependencies between Collaboration tasks and create subtasks from a remote application, use the ITask interface in the IDK.

Almost every task can be broken up into detailed subtasks, and most tasks are related to other tasks in the same project. The PRC Collaboration API allows you to create up to three levels of subtasks, and set dependencies between tasks. You can also manipulate assignments, task status and risk settings. For details, see Editing Collaboration Task and Task List Properties Using IDK Remote APIs.
The ITask interface allows you to create subtasks for a given task and define the name, description, start date and due date. Subtasks are also represented by an instance of ITask. You can also manipulate dependencies between tasks in the same project using ITask.addDependentTask.
Note: Tasks with associated subtasks cannot be added as dependents.
To add a subtask to an existing task, follow the steps below.
  1. Create a PRC session. For details, see Initiating a PRC Session to Use IDK Remote APIs.
  2. Get the task ID and retrieve the associated object.
  3. Create a subtask as shown in the code samples below.
    Note: The createSubTask method creates a persisted task, so no call to store is required unless you modify properties after creating the subtask.



//get the parent task
ITask task = tasklistManager.getTask(taskID);

//create the subtask
ITask subtask = parentTask.createSubTask(name, description, startTime, endTime);

//to set additional properties, you must call store() to persist the subtask


.NET (C#)


//get the parent task
ITask task = tasklistManager.GetTask(taskID);

//create a subtask
ITask subtask = parentTask.CreateSubTask(name, description, startTime, endTime);

//To set additional properties, make sure that Store() is called
subtask.Risk = TaskRisks.Low;
subtask.Status = TaskStatuses.FiftyPercentCompleted;




'get the parent task
dim task As ITask = tasklistManager.GetTask(taskID)

'create a subtask
Dim subtask As ITask = parentTask.CreateSubTask(name, description, startTime, endTime)

'To set additional properties, make sure that Store() is called
subtask.Risk = TaskRisks.Low
subtask.Status = TaskStatuses.FiftyPercentCompleted


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