AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Creating Publisher Data Entry Templates Using IDK Remote APIs

To create or retrieve Publisher Data Entry Templates from a remote application, use the IDK IDataEntryTemplateManager interface.

Creating a Data Entry Template involves assembling properties for each variable component of a content item. Additional properties can be added to existing Data Entry Templates at any time, but these changes will not affect existing content items. To create a Data Entry Template, follow the steps below.
Note: Only users with Producer or higher roles can create and edit Data Entry Templates.
  1. Create a PRC session. For details, see Initiating a PRC Session to Use IDK Remote APIs.
  2. Get a Content Factory object using IRemoteSession.getContentFactory.
  3. Get a Data Entry Template Manager and create the new Data Entry Template.
  4. Add properties for each variable component. For a list of properties, see Publisher Property Types.
  5. Call store to persist the Data Entry Template; it will not exist in Publisher until this call is executed.



// Get manager objects needed for creating a Data Entry Template.
IDataEntryTemplateManager detManager = factory.getDataEntryTemplateManager();
IPropertyManager propertyManager = factory.getPropertyManager();
ISelectionListManager selectionListManager = factory.getSelectionListManager();

// Create a Data Entry Template object.
IDataEntryTemplate det = detManager.createDataEntryTemplate(supportfolder, "Technical Support Incident Data Entry Template");

// Add an integer property.
IIntegerProperty incident = propertyManager.createIntegerProperty("Incident ID", "The ticket number for this incident.");

// Add a Boolean property.
IBooleanProperty resolved = propertyManager.createBooleanProperty("Resolved", "True if the incident has been closed; false if it is still open.");

// Add a real property.
IDoubleProperty severity = propertyManager.createDoubleProperty("Severity", "Percentage stating how severe the incident is.");

// Add a date property.
IDateProperty opened = propertyManager.createDateProperty("Date Opened", "The date and time the incident was reported.");

// Add a text property.
ITextLineProperty customerName = propertyManager.createTextLineProperty("Customer Name", "The name of the customer.");

// Add a long text property.
ITextBlockProperty description = propertyManager.createTextBlockProperty("Incident Description", "A summary of the problem the customer is experiencing.");

// Add an item reference property.
IItemReferenceProperty customerData = propertyManager.createItemReferenceProperty("Customer Information", "Links to information about the customer such as the contact and their phone number.");

// Add a selection list property. The selection list must be persisted before it is added.
String[] listValues = {"ALI", "Search", "Collaboration", "Publisher", "Analytics"};
ISelectionList selectionList = selectionListManager.createSelectionList(supportfolder, "Products Selection List", listValues);;
ISelectionListProperty products = propertyManager.createSelectionListProperty("Product", "The product that the support incident is opened against", selectionList);

// Add a file property.
IFileProperty log = propertyManager.createFileProperty("Log File", "The log file created when the problem occurred.");

// Add an image property.
IImageProperty screenShot = propertyManager.createImageProperty("Screen Shot", "A screen shot of the problem.");

// Store the Data Entry Template and all the properties associated with it.;

return det;


.NET (C#)


// Get manager objects needed for creating a Data Entry Template.
IDataEntryTemplateManager detManager = factory.GetDataEntryTemplateManager();
IPropertyManager propertyManager = factory.GetPropertyManager();
ISelectionListManager selectionListManager = factory.GetSelectionListManager();

// Create a Data Entry Template object.
IDataEntryTemplate det = detManager.CreateDataEntryTemplate(supportfolder, "Support Incident Data Entry Template");

// Add an integer property.
IIntegerProperty incident = propertyManager.CreateIntegerProperty("Incident ID", "The ticket number for this incident.");

// Add a Boolean property
IBooleanProperty resolved = propertyManager.CreateBooleanProperty("Resolved", "True if the incident has been closed; false if it is still open.");

// Add a real property.
IDoubleProperty severity = propertyManager.CreateDoubleProperty("Severity", "Percentage stating how severe the incident is.");

// Add a date property.
IDateProperty opened = propertyManager.CreateDateProperty("Date Opened", "The date and time the incident was reported.");

// Add a text property.
ITextLineProperty customerName = propertyManager.CreateTextLineProperty("Customer Name", "The name of the customer.");

// Add a long text property.
ITextBlockProperty description = propertyManager.CreateTextBlockProperty("Incident Description", "A summary of the problem the customer is experiencing.");

// Add an item reference property.
IItemReferenceProperty customerData = propertyManager.CreateItemReferenceProperty("Customer Information", "Links to information about the customer such as the contact and their phone number.");

// Add a selection list property. The selection list must be persisted before it is added.
string[] listValues = {"Portal", "Search", "Collaboration", "Publisher", "Analytics"};
ISelectionList selectionList = selectionListManager.CreateSelectionList(supportfolder, "Products Selection List", listValues);
ISelectionListProperty products = propertyManager.CreateSelectionListProperty("Product", "The product that the support incident is opened against", selectionList);

// Add a file property.
IFileProperty log = propertyManager.CreateFileProperty("Log File", "The log file created when the problem occurred.");

// Add an image property.
IImageProperty screenShot = propertyManager.CreateImageProperty("Screen Shot", "A screen shot of the problem.");

// Store the Data Entry Template and all the properties associated with it.

return det;




' Get manager objects needed for creating a Data Entry Template.
Dim detManager As IDataEntryTemplateManager = factory.GetDataEntryTemplateManager
Dim propertyManager As IPropertyManager = factory.GetPropertyManager
Dim selectionListManager As ISelectionListManager = factory.GetSelectionListManager

' Create a Data Entry Template object.
det = detManager.CreateDataEntryTemplate(supportfolder, "Support Incident Data Entry Template")

' Add an integer property.
Dim incident As IIntegerProperty = propertyManager.CreateIntegerProperty("Incident ID", "The ticket number for this incident.")

' Add a Boolean property.
Dim resolved As IBooleanProperty = propertyManager.CreateBooleanProperty("Resolved", "True if the incident has been closed false if it is still open.")

' Add a double property.
Dim severity As IDoubleProperty = propertyManager.CreateDoubleProperty("Severity", "Percentage stating how severe the incident is.")

' Add a date property.
Dim opened As IDateProperty = propertyManager.CreateDateProperty("Date Opened", "The date and time the incident was reported.")

' Add a text property.
Dim customerName As ITextLineProperty = propertyManager.CreateTextLineProperty("Customer Name", "The name of the customer.")

' Add a long text property.
Dim description As ITextBlockProperty = propertyManager.CreateTextBlockProperty("Incident Description", "A writeup summarizing the problem the customer is experiencing.")

' Add an item reference property.
Dim customerData As IItemReferenceProperty = propertyManager.CreateItemReferenceProperty("Customer Information", "Links to information about the customer such as the contact and their phone number.")

' Add a selection list property. The selection list must be persisted before it is added.
' This example checks to see if the selection list already exists before creating it.
Dim selectionList As ISelectionList = Nothing
Dim selectionLists() As ISelectionList = selectionListManager.GetSelectionLists(supportfolder)
Dim sl As ISelectionList
For Each sl In selectionLists
If (sl.Name.Equals("Products Selection List")) Then
	selectionList = sl
End If

If (selectionList Is Nothing) Then
	Dim listValues() As String = {"Portal", "Search", "Collaboration", "Content Server", "Analytics"}
	selectionList = selectionList.CreateSelectionList(supportfolder, "Products Selection List", listValues)
End If

Dim products As ISelectionListProperty = propertyManager.CreateSelectionListProperty("Product", "The product that the support incident is opened against", SelectionList)

' Add a file property.
Dim log As IFileProperty = propertyManager.CreateFileProperty("Log File", "The log file created when the problem occurred.")

' Add an image property.
Dim screenShot As IImageProperty = propertyManager.CreateImageProperty("Screen Shot", "A screen shot of the problem.")

' Store the Data Entry Template and all the properties associated with it.

Return det


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