AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Creating Publisher Folders Using IDK Remote APIs

To create folders using the IDK remote Publisher API, use the IFolderManager interface.

The IFolderManager interface includes the createFolder method with two parameters: the target folder and the new folder name. (To rename a folder, use IFolder.setName.) A folder name cannot have more than 255 characters. Publisher ignores capitalization and spaces in the characters. You must invoke to store the newly created folder.
Note: When you create a new folder with the IDK remote Publisher API, it inherits the security of its parent folder. To configure folder security, you must use Publisher Explorer.
  1. Create a PRC session. For details, see Initiating a PRC Session to Use IDK Remote APIs.
  2. Get a Content Factory object using IRemoteSession.getContentFactory.
  3. Get a Folder Manager, retrieve the target folder, and create the new folder as shown in the code samples below.
    • To retrieve the root folder, use IFolderManager.getRootFolder.
    • To retrieve the subfolder of the current folder, use IFolderManager.getSubFolder. (To retrieve all the folders in Publisher, retrieve the root folder with the getRootFolder method, then retrieve all subfolders with the getSubFolder method.)
    • To retrieve a folder by UUID, use IFolderManager.getFolder. (To obtain the UUID of a folder, use IFolder.getUUID.)
    • To retrieve a folder by path, use IFolderManager.getFolderByPath. (To obtain the path of a folder, use IFolder.getPath.)
    The examples below create a folder in the root Publisher directory.
  4. Call store to persist the folder; it will not exist in Publisher until this call is executed.



// Get a folder manager for working with Publisher folders.
IFolderManager folderManager = factory.getFolderManager();

// Retrieve the Publisher root folder, which always exists.
IFolder rootFolder = folderManager.getRootFolder();

// Create a new folder.
IFolder subFolder = folderManager.createFolder(rootFolder, "Java Example - Support Incidents");;


.NET (C#)


// Get a folder manager for working with Publisher folders.
IFolderManager folderManager = factory.GetFolderManager();

// Retrieve the Publisher root folder, which always exists.
IFolder rootFolder = folderManager.GetRootFolder();

// Create a new folder.
IFolder subFolder = folderManager.CreateFolder(rootFolder, ".NET Example - Support Incidents");




' Get a folder manager for working with Publisher folders.
Dim folderManager As IFolderManager = factory.GetFolderManager()

' Get a reference to the root folder. It always exists.
Dim rootFolder As IFolder = folderManager.GetRootFolder()

' Create a new folder.
subFolder = folderManager.CreateFolder(rootFolder, "VB.NET Web Example - DET")


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