Release Notes

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What’s New in Guardian 1.1

New Data Collectors

J2EE Deployment Descriptors Collector

JRockit Runtime Analyzer Collector

JRockit Collector

JRockit Thread Dump Collector

Import/Export Workspace

Signature Annotations

Snapshot Evaluations

Compare Inventories or Evaluations

Export Inventories and Evaluations as PDF or HTML,

Domain Groups

Improved Agent Performance in Large Domains

Maximum Agent Threads Parameter

Agent Thread Timeout Parameter

Validate and Test Proxy Configuration from Preference Page

Customize Report Displays

Improved Error Reporting and Logging

Configuring Logging and Debug Preferences

Release Localized Versions as Language Packs

Known and Resolved Issues in Guardian 1.1

Known Issues

Changes and Resolved Issues for Guardian 1.1

Special Notes

Upgrading from Guardian 1.0.x to Guardian 1.1

Upgrade Instructions

Preserving Credentials When Using Guardian Headless Mode

Appendix A: Apache License

Apache License

Appendix B: Eclipse License

Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement

Usage Of Content

Applicable Licenses


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