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Administration Server

A WebLogic Server running the Administration Service providing the central point of control for configuring and monitoring a domain. The Administration Server must be running in order to perform any management operation on the domain.

Advanced Program to Program Communications (APPC)

Also known as LU 6.2, is software that enables high-speed communications between programs on different computers, from portables to workstations to midrange and host computers. It is an open and published communications protocol for applications to communicate over SNA.


All-or-nothing; a transaction executes completely or not at all. There should be no possibility that only part of a transaction executed.


Communications Resource Manager (CRM)

A resource manager that controls access to distributed resources and allows other applications and resource managers, possibly located on different systems, to coordinate changes to resources.

Communications Resource Manager Application Programming Interface (CRMAPI)

The set of messages designed for propagation of transaction semantics between transactional legacy SNA applications and transactional Open Systems applications.

Customer Information Control System (CICS)

An IBM licensed program that enables transactions entered at remote terminals to be processed concurrently by user-written application programs.

CRM Link

An APPC connection established by the CRM to a region on your back-end system. The CRM Link defines what region to connect to, the session limits of the connection, and VTAM log on mode used for communications across this connection.


Data Resource Manager

A resource manager that allows an application to read and change data. Examples include database managers such as Oracle, and record file managers such as VSAM.

Distributed Program Link (DPL)

A CICS concept roughly equivalent to a Java remote method invocation.


A self-contained set of inter-related WebLogic Server resources that are managed as a unit. A domain may contain one or more WebLogic Servers as well as multiple WebLogic Clusters.


Distributed Program Link - A CICS concept roughly equivalent to a Java remote method invocation.


A medium that survives a system failure. For example, after a transaction is committed, the state of a resource is usually written to storage that survives failure of the system.



An Enterprise JavaBean as defined by the Java 2 Enterprise Edition specifications and implemented by WebLogic Server version 6.1.


Gateway (JCRMGW)

Server component of JAM that runs within WebLogic. This server communicates with the CRM component to translate Java invocations into invocations of programs on the mainframe and vice-versa.


Inbound Request

A service request that originates on a mainframe and is serviced by an EJB invoked by a JAM Gateway.

Information Management System (IMS)

IBM's transaction processing monitor and hierarchical database product used for large commercial application systems on OS/390 or MVS/ESA platforms. Two main components are a hierarchical database manager and a queue-based transaction manager that routes requests from terminal to application programs.


Java Adapter for Mainframe (JAM)

BEA product that provides bi-directional, online request-response integration between Java applications and IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) or Information Management System (IMS) applications.

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Java architecture and API specification for application management.

Java Transaction API (JTA)

Specifies standard Java interfaces between a transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributed transaction system: the resource manager, the application server, and the transactional applications.

Job Control Language (JCL)

A language for describing jobs (units of work) on the MVS, OS/390, and VSE operating systems.


Local Service

A service that resides as an EJB on a WebLogic Server accessible to the JAM Gateway and is used to satisfy inbound requests from the mainframe.


Managed Server

A WebLogic Server that is configured by and running under the control of an Administration Server. A managed server may be a stand-alone server, or it may be a member of a WebLogic Cluster.

Multiple-Gateway CRM

The ability of the WebLogic JAM CRM to manage resource communication for multiple WebLogic JAM Gateways. All WebLogic JAM Gateways connecting to a single CRM must be defined in the same domain.


Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA)

IMS interface that allows IMS to receive transaction requests from non-IMS sources and route responses back to the originating system.

Outbound Request

A service request that originates on a WebLogic client or server and is serviced by a mainframe program invoked by the JAM Gateway in cooperation with the CRM.



After a system failure during the two-phase commit handshake, recovery is the process a transaction manager performs to resolve any mixed state of resource managers. Each resource manager that did not finish the two-phase commit handshake, is told to commit or back out changes as appropriate.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

A standard J2EE mechanism for object distribution.

Remote Service

A program that exists on a mainframe accessible to a JAM Gateway via a CRM. A remote service will be invoked in response to an outbound request from a JAM client.

Resource Manager

An authorized program that controls and manages application access to a resource. The resource manager allows applications to commit or back out changes to a resource via a programming interface.

Resource Recovery Services (RRS)

A collection of OS/390 system services that allow the protection of resources to guarantee data integrity. Changes can be coordinated across resource managers to ensure changes are made or not made as a whole using the two-phase commit protocol.


Remote Method Invocation, a standard Java 2 mechanism for object distribution.


Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

IBM network protocol used by WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe to connect to mainframe applications.



A logical boundary within which the effects of all actions are guaranteed to have been either applied or discarded.

Two-Phase Commit

A protocol in which a transaction manager asks all participating resource managers for a vote on whether changes should be committed, then records these votes in a durable log, and then communicates to all resource managers to commit or back-out the changes. In the event of failure, the durable log is used to reconcile any resource managers who were not given the final message to commit or back-out.


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