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BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe 5.0

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BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe 5.0™ (WebLogic JAM) provides bi-directional, online request-response integration between Java applications and IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) or Information Management System (IMS) applications. WebLogic JAM allows EJBs, Servlets, and class files on WebLogic Server to initiate online requests to CICS and IMS programs and receive results online. With BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe, you can extend the life of existing mainframe applications by integrating them with J2EE applications running on WebLogic Server. Once configured and deployed, WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe enables WebLogic Server applications to invoke or be invoked by mainframe applications.


Quick Links to Documents


Job-Focused Roadmaps

These roadmaps identify the recommended WebLogic JAM documents for a particular task or job assignment.



Getting Started

Learn how to install, upgrade, and/or migrate your product.

Release Notes

Release Notes for this WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe release.


How to install and configure the WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe software.


Guide to upgrading from your current WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe product.

Platform Support

Information about WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe supported platforms.


What's New?

Learn about what's new in WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe 5.0 including:

WebLogic Server 6.1 Support

Distributed Transaction Support


WebLogic Administration Console

JCA Adapter


Frequently Asked Questions

Information about troubleshooting common WebLogic JAM problems.

Error Messages

Listing of WebLogic JAM error messages.

CrossPlex Support

WebLogic JAM integrates CrossPlex in a seamless fashion to address customer requirements for reuse of any existing 3270 mainframe applications without the need for mainframe coding changes.

Notational Conventions

Notational conventions used throughout the WebLogic JAM documentation set.



An introduction to WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe features and architecture.

Configuration and Administration

How to configure, start, administer, and monitor WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe.


Information about using WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe to develop cooperative Java applications.

JCA Adapter

Guide for installing and configuring the WebLogic JAM JCA Adapter to run with WebLogic Server and provide a standard API interface to WebLogic JAM services.

Workflow Processing

Guide for using WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe with WebLogic Integration to allow workflows to access mainframe applications and allow mainframe applications to initiate workflows.