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BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe 5.0

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The WebLogic JAM documentation is authored with various roles and resonsibilities in mind. It is recognized that not every organization may have resources in these specific roles, and that in some cases, roles may be combined or further differentiated. However, you can use the following descriptions as a guide for determining who would benefit most from various documentation topics.

The following sections define the roles and responsibilities assumed in the documentation and describes the typical responsibilities of individuals filling these roles. The user roles are organized into two main entities, mainframe administrators and WebLogic Server administrators. Read through each role description to see which one best suits your responsibilities and the tasks associated with it.


Mainframe Administrator

While it is understood that no one person in a mainframe environment typically administers all areas, the following roles logically divide the responsibilities needed to administer the WebLogic JAM product on the mainframe.

red arrow Systems Programmer

This individual uploads the CRM software from the product CD-ROM to z/OS or OS/390 and modifies the sample CRM start-up JCL script provided to conform with site standards.

red arrow Mainframe Application Programmer

This individual writes mainframe client programs that access services offered under WebLogic Server. This individual also provides Java Application Programmers with COBOL copybooks for use with the eGen Application Generator.

red arrow VTAM Specialist

This individual creates SNA communications resources (more specifically, LU6.2 APPLIDs) from the samples provided by BEA Systems, and makes them conform to site standards.

red arrow CICS Administrator

This individual configures a connection from VTAM to the required CICS region; compiles and makes test transactions available, and provides copybooks describing the data required and returned by these transactions.

red arrow IMS Administrator

This individual configures a connection from APPC/MVS to the required IMS control region, compiles and makes test transactions available, and provides copybooks describing the data required and returned by the transactions.

WebLogic Server Administrator

red arrow WebLogic Server Specialist

This individual installs the WebLogic JAM Gateway and makes modifications to the file to start it automatically with WebLogic Server. Once the product is installed and configured correctly, this individual uses WebLogic JAM utilities to generate Java files based on copybook information provided by CICS and IMS administrators.

red arrow Java Application Programmer

This individual creates applications running under WebLogic Server that communicate with mainframe applications using WebLogic JAM. Once the product is installed and configured correctly, this individual uses WebLogic JAM utilities to generate Java files based on copybook information provided by CICS or IMS administrators

red arrow Business Analyst

This individual examines real-life business processes and translates them into easily understood workflows suing WebLogic Integration.