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Administration and Diagnostics Using the WebLogic Administration Console


The WebLogic Administration Console provides you with the ability to perform administrative and diagnostic tasks for the CRM, the Gateway, and various services. Using the WebLogic Administration Console, you can quickly and easily perform the following administrative tasks:


Monitoring WebLogic JAM CRM Status

You can use the WebLogic Administration Console to monitor whether a CRM has been started or stopped. For information about starting and stopping the CRM, see CRM Administration.

To monitor WebLogic JAM CRM status from the WebLogic Administration Console:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click CRM. The List CRM page displays.


  2. Click the CRM you want to monitor.


  3. Click the Administration tab in the CRM links page. The Monitor a CRM page displays.


    On the Monitoring CRM page, the following Link Status information may display beside the name of the CRM Link Name:

    Table 6-1 CRM Link Status



Modifying CRM Trace Level Settings

The CRM can output a diagnostic trace file that describes its run-time activity. The trace level selected determines the amount of detail included in the tracing information.

Note: The CRM tracing can be useful in diagnosing problems but should not be enabled in production systems.

To modify the trace level settings for the CRM:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click CRM. The List CRM page displays.


  2. Click the CRM link you want to you want to modify.


  3. Click the Administration tab in the CRM links page. The Monitor a CRM page displays.


  4. Click the Diagnostics tab. The CRM Trace Settings page displays.


  5. Change the field values as appropriate. Click the question mark to the left of the field names for a description of the field. The following values are options from the Trace drop-down box.

    Table 6-2 CRM Trace Settings


  6. When you have finished editing the field values, click Apply.

Note: Clicking Reset causes the field values to be reset to their original settings.


Setting APPC API Tracing in the WebLogic Administration Console

To set the APPC API tracing from the WebLogic Administration Console:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click CRM. The List CRM page displays.


  2. Click the appropriate CRM.


  3. Click the Administration tab.


  4. Click the Diagnostics tab.


  5. Use the drop-down menu to select either Enabled or Disabled in the APPC Trace field.

  6. Click Apply.


Monitoring CRM Links

To monitor the status for a CRM Link:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click CRM. The List CRM page displays.


  2. Click the CRM that has the CRM Link you want to monitor.


  3. Click the Administration tab in the CRM page. The Monitor a CRM page displays.


  4. Click the name of the CRM Link you want to monitor. The Monitor Link Statistics page displays with the following information:

    Table 6-3 CRM Link Statistics



  5. When you have finished monitoring the CRM Link, click Back to return to the Monitor a CRM page.

Note: The Monitor CRM Link Statistics page refreshes every second.


Starting and Stopping CRM Links

To start or stop a CRM link:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click CRMs. The List CRM page displays.


  2. Click the CRM Link you want to start or stop.


  3. Click the Administration tab in the CRM page. The Monitor a CRM page displays.


  4. Click the Start/Stop tab in the CRM Link Administration page. The link names associated with that CRM and the status of the links will display. The Status column will define the link status as Up or Down. If the link status is Up, it will be followed by a qualifier Xok or Xno.

  5. Click Start next to the link name and status to start an individual CRM Link. The status of the link changes to UP.


    Click Stop next to the link name and status to stop an individual CRM Link. The status of the link changes to Down.

  6. Click Start All Links to start all links defined for this CRM.


    Click Stop All Links to stop all links defined for this CRM.


Gateway Administration and Diagnostics

Use the WebLogic Administration Console to perform the following administration and diagnostic tasks for the Gateway:

Listing Gateways

To list a Gateway:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click Gateways. The List Gateways page displays.


Monitoring a Gateway

To monitor a Gateway:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click Gateways. The List Gateways page displays.


  2. Click the appropriate existing Gateway link you want to monitor.


  3. Click the Administration tab. The Monitor Gateway page displays. This page displays the name and current status of the Gateway. When the Gateway is up, statistics are displayed indicating how many requests have been successfully processed and the average time it took to process each request.


Table 6-4 provides a description of the statistics you can monitor for the WebLogic JAM Gateway.

Table 6-4 Statistics for the WebLogic JAM Gateway

WebLogic JAM Gateway Statistic


Total Requests

The number of requests that have reached the gateway. This may be larger than the sum of successes and failures if some requests are still being processed.

Total Successes

The number of requests that have successfully been processed to completion by the gateway. Application level failures may be reported as gateway successes.

Average Response Time

The average response time for all successful requests and some failures. Failures that fail before they are transmitted over the network do not affect this statistic. Timeouts do not affect this statistic until a late reply is received.

Total Failures

The total number of failures of any kind.

No Response

The number of requests that have timed out and have never received a response of any kind.

Late Response

The number of requests that timed out and then received a response.


The number of request that failed other than by timeout.


Modifying Trace Level Settings for the Gateway

The Gateway diagnostics page allows you to set different kinds of tracing in the Gateway. When set, the tracing causes the WebLogic JAM Gateway to output diagnostic debugging information in the WebLogic Server log file. This information can be useful to diagnose problems, but it should not be enabled in production systems.

To modify the trace level settings for the Gateway:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click Gateways. The List Gateways page displays.


  2. Click the link to the Gateway for which you want to monitor trace level settings.


  3. Click the Administration tab. The Monitor Gateway page displays.


  4. Click the Diagnostics tab. The Gateway Trace Settings page displays.


  5. Click next to the option to select the appropriate options.

    Table 6-5 Gateway Trace Options


  6. When you have finished selecting the field options, click Apply.

Note: Clicking Reset causes the field values to be reset to their original settings.

Starting and Stopping a Gateway

To start or stop a Gateway:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click Gateways. The List Gateways page displays.


  2. Click the appropriate Gateway link.


  3. Click the Administration tab. The Monitor Gateway page displays.


  4. Click the Start/Stop tab in the Gateway Administration page.


  5. Click Start to start the Gateway. Click Stop to stop the Gateway. The Status field will change accordingly.


Enabling a Service

To enable or disable a service:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click the type of service you want to enable or disable. (APPC or DPL)


  2. Click the service name you want to enable (or disable).


  3. To enable the service, click the Enabled check box so that it is checked.


    To disable the service, click the Enabled check box so that is not checked.

  4. Click Apply.


Enabling an Exported WebLogic Application

To enable or disable an exported WebLogic application:


  1. From the WebLogic JAM home page, click the type of exported WebLogic application you want to enable. (EJB, JMS, or WebLogic Integration.)


  2. Click the application name you want to enable or disable.


  3. To enable the application, click the Local Service Enabled check box so that it is checked.


    To disable the service, click the Local Service Enabled check box so that is not checked.

  4. Click Apply.


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