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Integrating Applications With WebLogic JAM


This section provides information and steps to help guide you through the process of determining which applications you want to integrate, capturing the parameters necessary for configuration in the WebLogic Administration Console, and configuring your mainframe client applications.

This section provides information on the following subjects:


Understanding Application Integration with WebLogic JAM

WebLogic JAM enables you to easily reuse existing mainframe applications and integrate them with new applications built on WebLogic Server. CICS programs, IMS programs, and APPC programs can be integrated with WebLogic applications without changes to the original mainframe application. Existing mainframe applications can be exposed to WebLogic applications with configuration using the WebLogic Administration Console.

Application Integration Considerations

After defining the connectivity of the CRM to the back-end application environment, you must identify applications that you want to access. Accessing these applications include determining the link and the region where the mainframe application resides. It also includes determining how to handle data translation.

Discuss the following list of topics with your system administrator. These topics are relevant to both the WebLogic and mainframe application environments.

Data Translation

It is usually necessary to convert the format of the data passed between WebLogic Server applications and mainframe applications. It may require collecting information about data formats from a mainframe application (usually a copybook) for configuration of these applications. For additional information about using data translation in your applications, see the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

For information about using schemas to perform data translation with WebLogic JAM and WebLogic Integration, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Access to Mainframe and WebLogic Applications

In considering application integration, you should determine whether you need to access WebLogic applications from the mainframe or access mainframe applications from WebLogic.


Exposing Mainframe Applications to J2EE Clients

WebLogic JAM enables CICS, standard IMS, and APPC/MVS applications (that run in CICS, IMS, or as a batch job) to be invoked from the WebLogic environment.

This section provides information on the following subjects:

Exposing a CICS Distributed Program Link as a DPL Service

Distributed Program Link (DPL) programs are CICS programs that accept a COMMAREA (short for communication area) as input. To configure WebLogic JAM to invoke a CICS DPL program, you must enter configuration parameters into the WebLogic Administration Console.

This section provides information about the following:

You will need certain parameter information to complete WebLogic JAM configuration, such as program name and WebLogic service name. You will also need to select the region in which the service is available. This section provides information to help you understand and capture the parameters you will need to enter into the WebLogic Administration Console in a later step.

Steps for Exposing a DPL Program

To configure WebLogic JAM to invoke a CICS DPL program, you must determine the data translation considerations and the program definition for the CICS region.

Step 1: Determine Data Translation Requirements

The data format of the DPL program is given by the declaration of the COMMAREA (short for communication area). For a DPL program written in COBOL, the COMMAREA is declared in the LINKAGE section of the program. You may need to obtain the COMMAREA copybook used in the LINKAGE section for use with WebLogic JAM's eGen Application Generator or WebLogic Integration. For information about obtaining and using the copybook declaration, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

For information about using schemas to perform data translation with WebLogic JAM and WebLogic Integration, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Step 2: Determine Program Access

In order to access a CICS program with a DPL request, there must be a CICS program resource definition that defines the CICS program to the CICS region. If a resource definition does not exist, ask your CICS administrator to create one.

A distributed program link occurs when the program is invoked on a "different" CICS system from the invoker. A special CICS program (DFHMIRS) handles the distributed request and invokes the designated CICS program. When the DFHMIRS program invokes the CICS program, the CICS program becomes associated with either the mirror transaction ID CSMI or CVMI, or an alternate transaction for DFHMIRS (as defined by the system administrator.) Transaction IDs are used in CICS for resource tracking and to restrict access to database resources.

It may be advantageous to use alternate transaction IDs to execute the DPL program so that resources can be tracked and database resources can be restricted. If this DPL program should be associated with a transaction ID other than CSMI or CVMI, then you must get the transaction ID from your CICS administrator.

WebLogic Administration Console Parameters for DPL Services

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-1to expose a CICS DPL program link as a DPL service.

Table 3-1 DPL Service Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

An arbitrary name that WebLogic Server applications use to identify this service.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper

CICS Program Name

The name of the CICS program as defined in CICS.

In CICS a program resource definition must exist that defines the DPL program to the CICS region. If one does not exist, ask your CICS administrator to create one.

8 character alpha-numeric string


Alternate Transaction ID
(if any):

An alternate transaction ID (to replace CSMI or CVMI) used to execute the DPL program. This parameter is optional.

1-4 alpha character



Approximate amount of time that the program usually takes to complete successfully. WebLogic JAM uses this timeout value to return a timeout error to the calling WebLogic Server application.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250

Input and Output Schema (if using WebLogic Integration)

The schema names for this DPL program, if using WebLogic Integration.

Note: For information and instructions for creating an input schema with WebLogic Integration, see the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. emprec


Steps for Configuring DPL Services in the WebLogic Administration Console

To create the configuration information that WebLogic JAM needs to invoke this DPL program, use the WebLogic Administration Console to perform the following steps:

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click DPL Services.


The List DPL Services page displays.


    2. Click Create a New DPL Service.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Enabled box makes the service available for use. Removing the check from the Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.


    4. Once you have created the DPL service definition in the WebLogic Administration Console, you must select links to the CICS region where the DPL program resides. If the program is available in more than one mainframe region, you may select some or all of the regions in which it is present.

    The left pane lists the CICS regions that are defined in the WebLogic JAM configuration. The right pane lists the CICS regions where the DPL program resides. Select Links from the list of all defined CICS regions and move them to the list of CICS regions where this DPL program is available.

    5. Click Apply when you have finished adding available links.

Exposing a Standard IMS Transaction Program as an APPC Service

Standard IMS applications use the DL/I application-programming interface to get input messages and insert output messages. IMS provides implicit APPC support that translates these DL/I calls into APPC communications. WebLogic JAM can invoke these IMS transactions via APPC if the transaction ID of the IMS application is configured. To make this work, you must configure WebLogic JAM with the IMS transaction ID of the program and the IMS regions in which this transaction is available.

This section provides information about the following:

You will need certain parameter information to complete WebLogic JAM configuration. This section provides information to help you understand and capture the parameters you will need to enter into the WebLogic Administration Console in a later step.

Steps for Exposing a Standard IMS Transaction Program

To configure WebLogic JAM to invoke a standard IMS transaction program, you must determine the data translation considerations and the program definition for the IMS region.

Use the following steps to configure WebLogic JAM to make an IMS transaction program available to WebLogic Server applications:

Step 1: Determine Data Translation Requirements

The data format of the IMS transaction program is given by the declaration of the Input/Output Program Control Block (IOPCB). When this program is written in COBOL, the IOPCB is declared in the LINKAGE section of the program. For information about obtaining and using the IOPCB declaration copybook from the LINKAGE section, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

For information about using schemas to perform data translation with WebLogic JAM and WebLogic Integration, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Step 2: Determine Program Access

In order to access an IMS application, there must be a transaction ID associated with the IMS program. Obtain this transaction ID and IMS region where the transaction program resides from your IMS administrator.

WebLogic Administration Console Parameters for an IMS Transaction Program Exposed as an APPC Service

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-2 to expose an IMS program as an APPC service.

Table 3-2 IMS Service Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

An arbitrary name that WebLogic Server applications use to identify this service.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper

Transaction Program ID

The transaction ID associated with the IMS program.

8 character alpha-numeric string. First character must be an alpha character.



Approximate amount of time that the program usually takes to complete successfully. WebLogic JAM uses this timeout value to return a timeout error to the calling WebLogic Server application.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250

Input and Output Schema (if using WebLogic Integration)

The schema names for this IMS program, if using WebLogic Integration.

Note: For information and instructions for creating an input schema with WebLogic Integration, see the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. emprec


Steps for Configuring IMS Programs as APPC Services

To create the configuration information that WebLogic JAM needs to invoke this IMS transaction program, use the WebLogic Administration Console.

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click APPC Services.


The List APPC Services page displays.


    2. Click Create a New APPC Service.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Enabled box makes the service available for use when the WebLogic JAM Gateway is started. Removing the check from the Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.


    4. Once you have created the APPC service definition in the WebLogic Administration Console, you must select a link to the IMS region where the IMS program resides. If the program is available in more than one mainframe region, you may select links to some or all of the regions in which it is present.

    The left pane lists the regions that are defined in the WebLogic JAM configuration. The right pane lists regions where this IMS program resides. Select the links from the list of all defined regions and move them to the list of regions where this IMS program is available.

    5. Click Apply when you have finished adding IMS regions.

Exposing an APPC/MVS Transaction Program as an APPC Service

An APPC application is an APPC/MVS batch job, CICS transaction, or IMS transaction that uses the CPI Communications API (CPI-C), or other specific APPC mainframe API, to explicitly communicate with other applications through an APPC conversation. Other examples of mainframe APIs include CICS Distributed Transaction Program (DTP) and the APPC/MVS API. Only APPC applications that receive a single request message, and return a single response message can be invoked by WebLogic JAM. These types of APPC applications may run as batch jobs, CICS transactions, or IMS transactions. You can configure WebLogic JAM to invoke the application through standard APPC protocol regardless of the environment in which the APPC application executes.

This section provides information about the following:

You will need certain parameter information to complete WebLogic JAM configuration. This section provides information to help you understand and capture the parameters you will need to enter into the WebLogic Administration Console in a later step.

Steps for Exposing an APPC/MVS Transaction Program as an APPC Service

To configure WebLogic JAM to invoke an APPC/MVS application as an APPC service, you must determine the data translation considerations and the program definition for the batch region.

Use the following steps to configure WebLogic JAM to make an APPC transaction program available to WebLogic Server applications:

Step 1: Determine Data Translation Requirements

Use WebLogic JAM's eGen utility to generate Java classes (DataViews) that can translate data to and from the mainframe format expected by this APPC program. For programs that are written in COBOL, the data is passed into the LINKAGE section. For information about obtaining and using the LINKAGE section of the data format of the request and response messages of the APPC program, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

For information about using schemas to perform data translation with WebLogic JAM and WebLogic Integration, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Step 2: Determine Program Access

In order to access an APPC/MVS application, there must be a transaction profile definition associated with the application. Obtain this transaction profile name where the transaction program resides from your system administrator.

WebLogic Administration Console Parameters for an APPC Transaction Program Exposed as an APPC Service

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-3 to expose an APPC/MVS program as an APPC service.

Table 3-3 APPC Service Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

An arbitrary name that WebLogic Server applications use to identify this service.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper

Transaction Program ID

The transaction profile name associated with the transaction program.

Alpha-numeric string. First character must be an alpha character.



Approximate amount of time that the program usually takes to complete successfully. WebLogic JAM uses this timeout value to return a timeout error to the calling WebLogic Server application.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250

Input and Output Schema (if using WebLogic Integration)

The schema names for this APPC program, if using WebLogic Integration.

Note: For information and instructions for creating an input schema with WebLogic Integration, see the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. emprec


Steps for Configuring APPC/MVS Transaction Programs as APPC Services

To create the configuration information that WebLogic JAM needs to invoke this APPC program, use the WebLogic Administration Console.

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click APPC Services.


The List APPC Services page displays.


    2. Click Create a New APPC Service.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Enabled box makes the service available for use. Removing the check from the Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.


    4. Once you have created the APPC service definition in the administration console, you must select a link to the region where the APPC program. If the program is available in more than one mainframe region, you may select links to some or all of the regions in which it is present.

    The left pane lists the regions that are defined in the WebLogic JAM configuration. The right pane lists the regions where this APPC program resides. Select the links from the list of all defined regions and move them to the list of regions where this APPC program is available.

    5. Click Apply when you have finished adding regions.


Exposing J2EE Applications to Mainframe Clients

WebLogic JAM enables mainframe applications to invoke J2EE applications by mapping a service name to a J2EE application. The WebLogic Administration Console provides you with a way to configure a mapping between a service name and a J2EE application (EJB, JMS, or WebLogic Integration application).

When WebLogic JAM receives a request from a mainframe application with the specified service name, WebLogic JAM invokes the corresponding J2EE application.

This section provides information on the following subjects:

Configuring Mainframe Client Applications

WebLogic JAM enables CICS DPL, standard IMS, and APPC programs (that run in CICS, IMS or as a batch job) as mainframe clients to invoke J2EE applications. Depending on the type of mainframe client application, some configuration may be required on the mainframe. This configuration usually involves creating a program or transaction definition that points to WebLogic JAM.

It will usually be necessary to convert the format of the data passed between WebLogic Server applications and mainframe applications. It may be necessary to collect information about data formats from a mainframe application (usually a copybook) for use in data conversion. For further information about using data conversion in your application, refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

The following sections provide information on additional configuration for each different type of supported mainframe clients:

CICS Distributed Program Link Clients

A CICS program can invoke a J2EE application by requesting a service configured for WebLogic JAM.

WebLogic JAM enables CICS programs on the mainframe to execute a CICS EXEC LINK call to a J2EE application as if it were a CICS program on a remote CICS region. The PROGRAM name parameter of the EXEC CICS LINK call may corresponds to a CICS program resource definition or these may be coded directly on the EXEC LINK statement. These two approaches are described in the following sections:

Specifying the SYSID Parameter on the EXEC CICS LINK Call

When the program link statement contains the SYSID(systemname) parameter, then the CICS program resource definition is not used. The values are taken directly from the LINK statement. Listing3-1 provides a sample CICS LINK statement with the SYSID parameter specified:

Listing 3-1 Sample CICS LINK Statement

PROGRAM (name)

The parameters used to send the request to WebLogic Server (J2EE) applications are:


The service name assigned to the WebLogic (J2EE) application, such as the exported EJB, JMS Event, or WebLogic Integration Event.


Defines the connection ID for the CRM logical unit that the service request is sent, and corresponds to the CICS connection resource definition ID.

Using a CICS Program Resource Definition

An alternative to specifying the SYSID parameter in the EXEC CICS LINK call is to create a program resource definition in CICS. This program definition specifies REMOTESYSTEM and REMOTENAME parameters that point to WebLogic JAM. CICS applications can then specify the name of the program resource definition as the PROGRAM parameter of the EXEC CICS LINK call. Using this approach, CICS client programs do not have to be modified when the SYSID parameter changes; instead, only the program resource definition is changed.

Listing3-2 provides a sample CICS program definition with the REMOTESYSTEM and REMOTENAME parameters specified:

Listing 3-2 Sample CICS Program Definition


The parameters used to send the request to WebLogic Server (J2EE) applications are:


The name of the program definition. This name must match the name used on the EXEC CICS LINK definition.


The name of the remote system. This is the connection ID name that is defined for the CRM logical unit. For more information about the connection definition, refer to Configuring WebLogic JAM Connectivity.


The service name assigned to the WebLogic (J2EE) application, such as the exported EJB, JMS Event, or WebLogic Integration Event.

Standard IMS Programs

Standard IMS applications can use the DL/I application-programming interface to send output messages to J2EE applications. IMS provides implicit APPC support that translates DL/I calls into APPC communications. Using this implicit APPC support, standard IMS applications can insert output messages to J2EE applications.

IMS applications must issue a Change (CHNG) call to change its output destination to an alternate Program Control Block (PCB). This alternate PCB can specify an LU 6.2 descriptor that points to WebLogic JAM. Then an output message can be inserted by issuing an Insert (ISRT) call. This call forwards the output message to WebLogic JAM, which then sends the message to the configured J2EE application.

Note: WebLogic JAM does not support the insertion of multiple output messages; it only supports a single output message per invocation.

Work closely with your IMS administrator to define an LU 6.2 descriptor with the following parameters:


The LTERM is an arbitrary name. The IMS program specifies this name as the destination in the alternate Program Control Block (PCB).


The logical unit of the CRM.


The service name configured in WebLogic JAM to point to the desired J2EE application.


Specify this parameter as N. Two-phase commit is not supported for IMS client programs that use implicit APPC.

Note: For more information on configuring LU 6.2 descriptors, see IMS documentation.

APPC Programs that Run in CICS, IMS or as a Batch Job

An APPC program can invoke a J2EE application by using CPI Communications (CPI-C), APPC verbs, or CICS DTP commands. WebLogic JAM supports a single request/response conversation between the APPC program and the specified J2EE application. For more information on how WebLogic JAM supports single request/response conversations with APPC programs, see Programming Flows in the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide.

Some configuration is recommended when you use APPC to connect to a J2EE application. An APPC program that connects to a J2EE application must identify that it wants to connect to a remote system and a remote partner transaction. Rather than hard coding these parameters in the APPC program, the recommended approach is to store these parameters in side information.

Side information allows an APPC program to identify its partner program with a symbolic destination name. This symbolic destination name is specified in the APPC program, and the remote system and remote partner transaction are configured in the correspondingly named side information. This allows the remote system and remote partner transactions to change without having to modify the APPC program.

Use the following information to help your system administrator configure side information to connect to J2EE applications using WebLogic JAM.

CICS Side Information

CICS provides a Partner Resource Definition for defining side information. The Partner Resource Definition should define the following:


The logical unit of the CRM.


The name of the communication profile that specifies additional parameters of the communications between the logical units involved. Using the CICS supplied profile DFHCICSA is recommended.


The name of the service configured in JAM that points to the desired J2EE application.

For more information on creating CICS partner resource definitions see CICS documentation.

APPC/MVS Transaction Program Profile Definition

IMS and APPC/MVS batch implementations of APPC provide the following side information parameters.

Partner LU Name

The logical unit of the CRM.

Transaction Program Name

Specifies the name of the remote program. This should be set to the service name configured in WebLogic JAM that points to the desired J2EE application.

Mode Name

This should be set to the mode name used in the CRM link that connects to this application.

Exposing Enterprise Java Beans to the Mainframe

Mainframe applications can invoke eGen-generated session Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs). When WebLogic JAM receives a request from a mainframe application for this EJB, WebLogic JAM looks up the EJB and invokes it on behalf of the mainframe client.

See the BEA Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide for more information on creating an EJB using the eGen utility.

To make an EJB available to mainframe applications, you need the following information:

WebLogic Administration Console Parameters for Enterprise Java Beans Exposed to the Mainframe

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-4 to expose a EJBs to the mainframe.

Table 3-4 EJB Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

The name that is specified by mainframe applications when they want to invoke this EJB.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper


The JNDI name used to look up the home interface of this EJB.

Alpha string

Ex. application.good.toupper


Approximate amount of time that this EJB usually takes to complete successfully.

WebLogic JAM uses this timeout value to return a timeout error to the calling mainframe application.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250


Steps for Creating an Export Definition for an EJB

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click Exported EJBs.


The Exported EJBs page displays.


    2. Click Export an EJB.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Local Service Enabled box makes the service available for use. Removing the check from the Local Service Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.

    4. To configure a mainframe application to invoke this service, see the instructions in Configuring Mainframe Client Applications.

Exposing JMS Events to the Mainframe

WebLogic JAM can enqueue data sent by mainframe applications to a JMS queue or topic. WebLogic JAM can use a Java class called a DataView to translate the mainframe data to XML. WebLogic JAM then enqueues the data to the specified JMS queue or topic.

See the BEA Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide for more information on generating a DataView class.

Use the WebLogic Administration Console to perform the following configuration tasks for creating JMS definitions:

WebLogic Administration Console Parameters for JMS Events Exposed to the Mainframe

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-5 to expose a JMS events to the mainframe.

Table 3-5 JMS Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

The name that is specified by mainframe applications when they want to enqueue data to this JMS destination.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper

JMS Destination Type

The type of JMS destination (either JMS Queue or JMS Topic).

Select from provided list.

Ex. application. toupper.queue

JMS Destination:

The JNDI name of the JMS destination where the data sent by the mainframe application is to be enqueued.

Alpha string

Ex. application. good.toupper

Predefined JMS Destination

This drop-down menu lists all JMS destinations currently defined within your WebLogic configuration. Selecting one of these destinations automatically populates the JMS Destination Type and JMS Destination parameters.

Select from the provided list.

JMS Connection Factory

The JNDI name of the JMS connection factory that is to be used to create a connection to the JMS destination. Different JMS connection factories produce JMS connections that support different features.

For example an XA JMS connection factory supplies JMS connections that are transactional and support XA transaction semantics.

Alpha string

Ex. XA

Predefined JMS Connection Factories

The drop-down menu lists all of the JMS connection factories currently defined within your WebLogic configuration. Selecting one of these factories automatically populates the JMS connection factory parameter.

Select from the provided list.


The fully qualified class name of a DataView class that is used to transform the binary data received from the mainframe application into XML. Refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide for more information.

This DataView class must be in the WebLogic CLASSPATH. If not specified, the binary data that the mainframe sends is enqueued without translation.

Alpha string

Ex. MyView


Approximate amount of time that the data transformation and enqueueing process should take to complete successfully.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250

JMS Properties

An optional parameter that lets you specify string properties that are to be set as additional headers in the JMS message that WebLogic JAM creates. You can set these properties as application-specific headers in the JMS message. You can also specify the JMS-defined JMSType.

Alpha string


Steps for Creating a JMS Event Definition

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click JMS Events.


The JMS Events page displays.


    2. Click Create a New JMS Event.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Local Service Enabled box makes the service available for use. Removing the check from the Local Service Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.

    4. To configure a mainframe application to invoke this service, see the instructions in Configuring Mainframe Client Applications.

Exposing WebLogic Integration Events to the Mainframe

WebLogic JAM can also enqueue data sent by mainframe applications to WebLogic Integration. WebLogic JAM enqueues the data along with a specified schema name (for data transformation) to the WebLogic Integration queue. WebLogic Integration can be set up to start a workflow upon receipt of this data.

See the BEA Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide and WebLogic Integration documentation for information on creating a schema for data transformation, and starting workflows from data that is enqueued to the WebLogic Integration queue.

Parameters for WebLogic Integration Events Exposed to the Mainframe

WebLogic JAM requires the parameters shown in Table 3-6 to expose a WebLogic Integration event to the mainframe.

Table 3-6 WebLogic Integration Parameters

WebLogic Administration Console Parameter


Parameter Syntax

Service Name

The name that is specified by mainframe applications when they want to enqueue data to this WebLogic Integration application.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. toupper


The name of a WebLogic Integration schema that is to be used to transform the binary mainframe data into XML.

See the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Workflow Processing Guide and WebLogic Integration documentation for information on creating a schema for data transformation and starting workflows from data that is enqueued to the WebLogic Integration queue.

Alpha-numeric string

Ex. emprec


Approximate amount of time that the data transformation and enqueueing process should take to complete successfully.

Numeric value in milliseconds

Ex. 250


Steps for Creating a WebLogic Integration Event Definition

  1. From the WebLogic JAM Home page, click WebLogic Integration Events.


The WebLogic Integration Events page displays.


    2. Click Create a New WebLogic Integration Event.


    3. Enter the configuration parameters in the appropriate fields. A check in the Local Service Enabled box makes the service available for use. Removing the check from the Local Service Enabled box disables the service. Click Create to submit your parameters.

    4. To configure a mainframe application to invoke this service, see instructions in Configuring Mainframe Client Applications.


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