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Installation Guide

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Introduction to Installing WebLogic JAM

About BEA WebLogic Product Distribution

Web Distribution of WebLogic JAM

CD-ROM Distribution of WebLogic JAM

About the WebLogic JAM Components

About the BEA WebLogic Installation Program

Installation Methods

About the BEA Home Directory

About the BEA WebLogic License

Evaluation Licenses

Non-Expiring Licenses

Roadmap for Installing WebLogic JAM

Preparing to Install BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe

Determining the Installation Method

Determining Your Hardware Requirements

Verifying WebLogic JAM Software Requirements

Choosing a BEA Home Directory

Creating More Than One BEA Home Directory

Installing WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe

Locating the Installation Files

Installing the WebLogic JAM Gateway

Installing the WebLogic JAM Gateway Using Graphical-Mode Installation

Prepare to Install the WebLogic JAM Gateway

Install WebLogic JAM Gateway

Installing the WebLogic JAM Gateway on Unix Systems Using Console-Mode Installation

Installing the CRM

Installing the CRM on z/OS and OS/390 Unix

Installing the CRM on z/OS and OS/390 MVS

Installation Procedure for CRM on z/OS and OS/390 MVS

What Do I Do Next?

Performing Post-Installation Tasks

Updating Your license.bea File

Updating Your license.bea File on a Microsoft Windows System

Updating Your license.bea File on a Unix System

Deploying WebLogic JAM in the WebLogic Server Environment

Verifying Your Installation

Verifying Installation of Files and Directories

Using the Installation Verification Samples

About the Installation Verification Samples

How to Use the Samples

Preconfigured WebLogic Server Domains

Roadmap for Installation Verification Samples

Before You Use the Samples

Using the Installation Verification Sample for IMS

How the Sample Works

Understanding the Sample Configuration

Understanding the Sample Programming

Sample Files

Setting Up the Sample

Step 1: Start the CRM

Step 2: Update the WebLogic JAM Configuration File

Step 3: Start the verify Domain

Step 4: Configure the WebLogic JAM Gateway

Step 5: Enable the Service

Step 6: Set the environment

Step 7: Generate and Build Source (Optional)

Step 8: Complete Mainframe Tasks

Running the Sample

Using the Installation Verification Sample for CICS

How the Sample Works

Understanding the Sample Configuration

Understanding the Sample Programming

Sample Files

Setting Up the Sample

Step 1: Start the CRM

Step 2: Update the WebLogic JAM Configuration File

Step 3: Start the verify Domain

Step 4: Configure the WebLogic JAM Gateway

Step 5: Enable the Service

Step 6: Set the Environment

Step 7: Generate and Build Source (Optional)

Step 8: Complete Mainframe Tasks

Running the Sample

Uninstalling BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe

Uninstalling WebLogic JAM Using Graphical-Mode

Prepare to Uninstall

On Microsoft Windows

On Unix

Uninstall WebLogic JAM

Uninstalling WebLogic JAM Using Console-Mode

BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Installation Files and Directories

Communications Resource Manager (CRM) Installation Files

z/OS and OS/390 Unix Platforms

z/OS and OS/390 MVS Platforms

WebLogic JAM Gateway Installation

Samples Files

Samples Files for Microsoft Windows Platforms

Samples Files for Unix Platforms


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