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Installation Guide

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Performing Post-Installation Tasks

After you have completed the installation process and verified your installation, complete the post-installation tasks in the following sections to ensure that WebLogic JAM operates properly.


Updating Your license.bea File

You must update your license.bea file if at least one of the following is true:

In each case, you receive a license update file in an e-mail attachment. Update your license.bea file by performing the following steps for your system.

Updating Your license.bea File on a Microsoft Windows System

To update your existing license.bea file on a Microsoft Windows system follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Windows system.

  2. Save the license update file that you received through e-mail with a name other than license.bea in the target BEA Home directory.

  3. Open a command prompt window.

  4. Navigate to the target BEA Home directory.

  5. Include the path to the JDK at the front of your PATH. Note the following example:
    set PATH=.\jkd131_02\bin;%PATH%

  6. Merge the license update file into your existing license by entering the following command:
    UpdateLicense license_update_file

    license_update_file is the name to which you saved the license update file that you received through e-mail. Running this command updates your license.bea file.

  7. Save a copy of your license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic JAM product directory. Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.

Updating Your license.bea File on a Unix System

To update your existing license.bea file on a Unix system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Unix system.

  2. Save the license update file that you received through e-mail with a name other than license.bea in the target BEA Home directory.

  3. Open a command prompt window.

  4. Navigate to the target BEA Home directory.

  5. Include the path to the JDK at the front of your PATH. Note the following example:
    export PATH

  6. Merge the license update file into your existing license by entering the following command:
    sh license_update_file

    license_update_file is the name to which you saved the license update file that you received through e-mail. Running this command updates your license.bea file.

  7. Save a copy of your license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic JAM product directory. Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.


Deploying WebLogic JAM in the WebLogic Server Environment

After WebLogic JAM has been installed, it must be deployed in the WebLogic Server environment. The following tasks must be completed if you are not running a pre-configured sample.

You can deploy WebLogic JAM in the following ways:

See the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Configuration and Administration Guide for additional information about deploying WebLogic JAM.


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