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Using the JRockit Runtime Analyzer

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Looking at a Recording

This section describes the information displayed on the different tabs on the JRA tool. A lot of the information requires a very deep understanding of the inner workings of the BEA JRockit virtual machine to be useful. It is out of the scope of this document to explain the meaning of all that data in detail. The following topics are covered in this section:


Viewing General Data about the Application

The General tab (see Figure 2-1) displays data about the recorded application behavior, such as thread, allocation, exception and memory usage statistics. It also displays the command line options that were used to start BEA JRockit (VM arguments section).

Note: If you are running an older version of JRockit (older than 5.0), data will not be collected for all fields, i.e. the field is left blank or marked as "unknown."

Most of the information that is displayed in the General tab is pretty straight forward and self-explanatory; however, some labels require further explanation. Below follows explanations on selected label of the General tab.

Figure 2-1 General Tab

General Tab


Miscellaneous Information

Memory Usage of JRockit Process Information

This section shows a snapshot of the memory usage before and after the recording of JRockit's memory usage.

Threads Information

This section shows information on the number of Java threads that existed before and after the recording.

Allocation Values Information

Exceptions Information

This section displays information on the total number of Java exceptions that are thrown during a recording. This includes both caught and uncaught exceptions. Excessive exception throwing can be a performance problem. Hardware generated exceptions are originating from a "trap" in the hardware and are usually the most expensive kind of exception.


Viewing Hot Methods

The Methods tab (see Figure 2-2) lists the top hot methods during the recording. The method sampling in JRockit is based on CPU sampling. This requires that you put load on the system to get any samples.

The Top Hot Methods lists all methods sampled during the recording and sorts them with the most sampled method s first. These are the methods where most of JRockit's time is spent.

Figure 2-2 The Methods Tab

The Methods Tab


The hot methods data is collected periodically by JRockit sampling the running threads and looking at which method the threads are executing. If your recording has native sampling enabled, you can also see methods prefixed by jvm#, which are native methods in the JVM. You can limit the methods shown in the top list by clicking Filtering options and select the least number of samples that you want displayed.

By selecting a method in the list, you can see its sampled Predecessors and Successors in the tree view to the right. These are the methods that call the method and the methods that the selected method calls. The number in brackets is the number of sampled call traces of which the method is part. The percentages show how common a particular path is in the method tree.

If you prefer to see the successors and predecessors in a list view, you can change the view by selecting List view instead of Tree view.


Viewing Garbage Collection Data

The GCs tab (see Figure 2-3) shows detailed information about each garbage collection (GC) event that has occurred. Graphs show the heap usage before and after each garbage collection as well as pause times and number of java.lang.ref.* objects discovered. You select a specific garbage collection event in the list, GCs during recording, to view details about it in the lower right pane.

Figure 2-3 The GCs Tab

The GCs Tab


GCs During Recording Information

This section lists all garbage collection (GC) events during the recording, provided that the garbage collection sampling was enabled. A garbage collection can be an old collection, which is a garbage collection in the old space of the Java heap or a young collection, which is a garbage collection in the young space (nursery). Click on a garbage collection in the list to see it in the GC Charts tab and the Details on selected GC part.

GC Charts Tab Information

The information that is displayed on the GC Charts tab contains two different charts and two buttons:

By clicking a garbage collection sample in the left-hand list of GCs, a small flag, annotation, is lit to indicate that specific garbage collection on the chart. See Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 The Annotation that Indicates Statistics for the Selected Garbage Collection

The Annotation that Indicates Statistics for the Selected Garbage Collection


General Information

This section displays general garbage collection statistics for the duration of the recording, for example, the average old collection pause time (Avg OC pause time) or the average young collection pause time (Avg YC pause time).

Selected GC Infomation

The Details on selected GC section contains four tabs with in-depth information relevant to the garbage collection round you have selected.

Details Tab

The following information is displayed in the Details tab (see Figure 2-5).

Figure 2-5 Details Tab

Details Tab


OC Specific Tab

The following information is displayed in the Old Collection (OC) specific tab (see Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6 Old Collection (OC) Specific Tab

Old Collection (OC) Specific Tab



YC Specific Tab

The following information is displayed in the Young Collection (YC) specific tab (see Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-7 Young Collection (YC) Specifics Tab

Young Collection (YC) Specifics Tab


Cache Lists Tab

Here you can view the specification for the different cache lists (see Figure 2-8). Each cache list contains settings for upper and lower cache size.

Figure 2-8 Cache Lists Tab

Cache Lists Tab



Viewing Java Heap Content

The Heap overview tab (see Figure 2-9) gives a quick overview of what the memory in the Java heap consists of at the time of the recording. The tab consists of two pie charts that display the proportions of the: Heap contents (to the right) and Free memory distribution (to the left).

The information that is listed at the top of the Heap overview tab shows various statistics about the memory use on the Java heap.

Figure 2-9 The Heap Overview Tab

The Heap Overview Tab


Heap Contents Pie Chart

The Heap contents pie chart shows how much of the heap that consists of large and small object chunks, dark matter, and free space. The amount of dark matter indicates how much space in the Java heap that is wasted due to fragmentation of the Java heap. It is normal to have a certain amount of dark matter in the heap.

Free Memory Distribution Pie Chart

The Free memory distribution pie chart shows how the free memory is distributed in free blocks of different sizes on the Java heap.


Viewing Object Statistics

At the beginning and end of a recording session, snapshots are taken of the most common types/classes of objects that occupy the Java heap, that is, the types which instances in total occupy most memory. The results are shown on the Object statistics tab (see Figure 2-10). Abnormal results in the object statistics might help you detect the existence of a memory leak in your application.

Figure 2-10 The Object Statistics Tab

The Object Statistics Tab



Viewing Method Optimizations

The Optimizations tab (see Figure 2-11) displays the methods that were optimized by the adaptive optimization system in BEA JRockit during the recording.

The optimized methods are displayed in chronological order. The sizes in the Methods optimized during recording table are the method size in bytes before and after optimization. Some optimizations, like inlining, causes the method size to increase. The information that is available under Optimization & JIT displays how JRockit has performed in optimizing the code of your application.

Figure 2-11 The Optimizations Tab

The Optimizations Tab




Viewing Lock Activities in Your Application and JRockit

The Lock Profiling tab (see Figure 2-12) shows comprehensive information about lock activity for the application JRA is monitoring. A lock profile can only be generated when the -Djrockit.lockprofiling command is issued at the JRockit command line.

For example:

java -Djrockit.lockprofiling -XXjra:<AnyJRAParam> -jar MyApplication.jar

For more information on locks, please refer to the appendix About Thin, Fat, Recursive, and Contended Locks in BEA JRockit.

Figure 2-12 Lock Profiling Tab

Lock Profiling Tab


Java Lock Profiling

The information that is displayed under the Java lock profiling chart shows the number of locks of the threads in your application. You see information on the number of thin uncontended, thin contended, and thin recursive locks; the number of fat uncontended, fat contended, and fat recursive locks; and the number of reservation bit (RB) uncontended and contended.

Click on the column header to sort the information for that column content.

Native Lock Profiling

If you are looking at a recording of JRockit J2SE 5.0 or later, the recording includes information about native locks. Native locks are locks in the JRockit internal code and is nothing your application can control. If you find high contention on a JRockit internal lock that might be causing issues for your application, either contact BEA support or contact JRockit through the BEA JRockit newsgroup at the dev2dev web site.


Adding Comments to the Recording

On the Comments tab (see Figure 2-13), you have a simple text editor where you can add comments about the recording. This can be a useful place to add comments when sending the JRA recording to BEA. To save you comments, click File > Save comments.

Figure 2-13 The Comments Tab

The Comments Tab



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