2.7. Borland Enterprise Server 5.2


While we support BES using the "Lite Transaction Manager" which should be more than adequate for most enterprise applications, Borland has yet to release a JTA interface into their "2PC Transaction Manager." While Kodo supports XA datasources, integrating into container managed transactions using the 2PC Transaction Manager may require either Borland support or custom coding to wrap their OTS implementation into a J2EE-compliant interface. See the documentation regarding ManagedRuntimeClass to see how to notify Kodo of the 2PC Transaction Manager wrapper. Note that the 2PC Transaction Manager can be quite slow in comparison to the Lite Transaction Manager.

Due to classloader issues, as well as configuration of the RAR itself, some basic expertise in jar and unjarring is required to install Kodo into BES. Otherwise, we recommend deploying Kodo, then switching to single classpath for the entire system through the Admin tool (which prevents hot deploy) to ease classpath conflict issues. First extract kodo.rar to a temporary directory:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
jar -xvf ../kodo.rar 

From there, remove/move some jars that will cause class conflict issues with either your application or BES. Remove jakarta-commons-logging-*.jar. Move (and delete from the temporary directory) jdo1_0.jar to the system classpath (e.g. var/servers/your_server/partitions/lib/system).

You must configure the RAR by editing the ra-borland.xml file included in the JCA directory of your Kodo installation. Move this file into the META-INF directory of the expanded RAR file. Refer to the DTD and Borland's documentation on advanced features of the deployment descriptor, including deployment and security options.

With this completed, you can re-jar the expanded contents into a new .rar file to be deployed using iastool or the console interface. Before deploying, first enable Visiconnect on the partition using the console or the command-line utilities. This will activate JCA support in the application server. Then restart BES so that Visiconnect can activate and so that jdo1_0.jar is added to the runtime classpath. When deploying, stubs and verification do not need to be processed on the file and may simplify the deployment process.

tmp> jar -cvf kodo-bes.rar *

After a restart, Kodo should now be deployed to BES. You should be able to find Kodo at the JNDI location of serial://kodo in your application as well as be visible in the JNDI viewer in the console. You have now installed Kodo JCA.