2.6. SunONE Application Server

Installation in SunONE application server requires first providing JDO the proper permissions. This is accomplished by editing the config/server.policy for the server you are dealing with. Edit the file to include the following line into a grant { } stanza.

permission javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission "*";
and restarting SunONE.

Deploying the RAR file requires adding a SunONE specific deployment file to the kodo.rar file. Take the sun-ra.xml file provided in the JCA directory of your Kodo installation. Edit the jndi-name attribute to the JNDI name of your choice. Add <property> elements that correspond to the <config-property-name> in ra.xml to configure connection info and other configuration elements. Now update kodo.rar to include sun-ra.xml to the META-INF virtual directory in the archive:

mkdir META-INF
copy sun-ra.xml META-INF
jar -uvf kodo.rar META-INF/sun-ra.xml

Browse to the web admin console of SunONE in your browser. Select your server under App Server Instances and expand to Applications/ Connector Modules. Select Deploy and upload your new kodo.rar file. Enter an application name, and click the Select button. Apply your changes by selecting the link in the top right.


Unfortunately, while this should be the recommended instructions, SunONE Application Server may not observe its own configuration file format. This will evidence itself with exceptions as if your configuration values had not been set at all. To bypass this problem, extract kodo.rarinto a temporary directory. Edit ra.xml and provide your configuration values directly into the <config-property-value> elements into the proper <config-property> stanzas.

If you have installed Kodo correctly, you should see kodo listed in the Connector Module. You have now installed Kodo JCA.