Chapter 2. Installing Kodo JCA

2.1. JBoss 3.0
2.2. JBoss 3.2
2.3. WebLogic Versions 6.2 to 7.x
2.4. WebLogic 8.1
2.5. WebSphere 5
2.6. SunONE Application Server
2.7. Borland Enterprise Server 5.2

2.1. JBoss 3.0

Included in the JCA directory of the distribution is kodo-service.xml. This file should be edited to reflect your configuration, most notably connection and license key values. Enter a JNDI name for Kodo to bind to (the default in kodo-service.xml is kodo). Stop JBoss. Copy kodo.rar and kodo-service.xml to the deploy directory of your JBoss server installation (e.g. jboss-3.0.6/server/default/deploy ). In addition, you should also place the appropriate JDBC driver jar in the lib directory of your JBoss installation (i.e. jboss-3.0.6/lib ).

To verify your installation, watch the console output for exceptions. In addition, you can check to see if Kodo was bound to JNDI. Open up your jmx-console ( http://yourhost:yourport/jmx-console) and select the JNDIView service. If Kodo was installed correctly, you should see com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory bound at the JNDI name you specified. You have now installed Kodo JCA.