2.3. WebLogic Versions 6.2 to 7.x

Installation of Kodo into WebLogic requires 3 steps. First ensure that the appropriate JDBC driver is in the system classpath. In WebLogic 6.2.x, this should be in the startWebLogic.sh/cmd in your domain directory ($WL_HOME/config/mydomain). In WebLogic 7, this file is the startWLS.sh/cmd file in the $WL_HOME/server/bin directory. In addition, the JDO base jar (jdo1_0.jar) should be also added to the classpath so that your JDO classes can be loaded. While this file can be placed inside an ear file, putting it in the system classpath will reduce class resolution conflicts.

The kodo.rar file should then either be copied to the applications directory of your domain, or uploaded through the web admin interface. To upload using the web admin console, by selecting mydomain/Deployments/Connectors in the left navigation bar and selecting "Install a new Connector Component." Browse to kodo.rar and upload it to the server.

You should see kodo listed now in the Connectors folder in the navigation pane. Select it and select Edit Connector Descriptor . Under RA, expand Config Properties in the left pane and enter the appropriate values for each property. Be sure to select Apply for every property. In addition, you should provide a JNDI name for Kodo by selecting Weblogic RA from the navigation panel, entering an appropriate JNDI name, and selecting Apply. When you are done configuring Kodo, select the root (kodo.rar) of the navigation pane. Select Persistto save your configuration properties and save it to the active domain configuration.

You should see WebLogic attempt to deploy Kodo in the system console. When it is done, you should return to the main admin web console. Ensure that Kodo is deployed to your server by selecting Targets and adding your server to the chosen area. Kodo should now be deployed to your application server.

To verify the installation, you can view the JNDI tree for your server. Select the server from the admin navigation panel, right click on it, and select View JDNI Tree from the context menu. You should now see Kodo at the JNDI name you provided. You have now installed Kodo JCA.