2.4. WebLogic 8.1


In its current version (8.1.0), there are a number of issues with classloaders in WebLogic's handling of EAR and RAR files. These instructions are aggressive in resolving potential issues which may no longer be issues in later releases of WebLogic.

First, ensure that your JDBC driver is in your system classpath. In addition, you will be adding jdo1_0.jar to the system classpath. You can accomplish this by editing startWebLogic.sh/.cmd.

The next step is to deploy kodo.rar from the JCA directory of your Kodo installation. Create a directory named kodo.rar in the applications directory of your domain. Un-jar kodo.rar into this new directory (without copying kodo.rar itself). Then extract kodo-jdo-runtime.jar in place and remove the file:

applications> mkdir kodo.rar
applications> cd kodo.rar
kodo.rar> jar -xvf /path/to/kodo.rar
kodo.rar> jar -xvf kodo-jdo-runtime.jar
kodo.rar> rm kodo-jdo-runtime.jar

Now you should configure Kodo JCA by editing META-INF/ra.xml substituing config-property-value stanzas with your own values. You can comment out properties (config-property stanzas) which you are not using or leaving at default settings. Edit META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml to configure the JNDI location to which you want Kodo to be bound.

Now you can start WebLogic and use the console to deploy Kodo JCA. Browse to your WebLogic admin port (http://yourhost:7001/console) and browse to the Connectors (Deployments -> Connector Modules) section. If you have autodeploy on and you have correctly installed Kodo JCA, you should see Kodo listed in the connectors.

If Kodo has not been deployed, select Deploy a new Connector. Browse to and select kodo.rar and select Target Modules to ensure that Kodo is accessible to the proper servers.

If you have installed Kodo correctly, at this point, one should be able to see Kodo bound to the JNDI location which you specified earlier.